what I have:
Gamecube: DOL 001
chip: Xeno 2.0
Media: ridata(Ritek g04 dye) mini-R's
Burning proggy: ImgBurn
Ok got my cube modded a couple of weeks ago and so far half of my burns fail.
smash bros melee: WORKS
Warioware: WORKS
Mario kart: FAILS
final fantasy CC : FAILS
The sims bustin out: FAILS
I burned zelda and mario kart using the same method in ImgBurn(x4(rated speed) DAO etc. just the default settings)
one works flawlessly and the other boots the "Nintendo" and "Dolby" screens, and then says "The disc could not be read turn off power and refer to the gamecube instruction manual"
I'm trying to figure out where the problem is ocurring.
I am also really hoping not to have to tweak the POT.
If I reburn these games is there any chance that they will work?
Should I keep trying differant speeds and programs(I've finnaly got a copy of Nero 6)OR
If the media is good(ritek g04's are supposed to be best)
And the img is good (Im almost certain the are)
Does that mean Im screwed and its definatly the POT.
(Ohhhh I hope its not)
Anyway I have the Imgburn logs if that helps
Well you could try burning at x2 in imgburn instead of x4. Thats what I do and I havnt had a problem so far... Your using the right media (Ritek G04 all the way!) and you say half your burns work so you are almost there.
Try x2 and if you still have problems check your POT, as this is most likely the problem. It aint a big deal to change so dont worry if you end up having to do so....
Thanks for the reply.
Im still trying to figure out how important the POT is in the whole DRE ratio.
For example if the pot isn't optimised to play a certain game, will burning that game at a differant speed have any effect on its readability?
or is it as simple as "your pot setting wont read that game no matter what"
I dont have a gamebit and its hard to buy one w/out a credit card.
Anyhow I think I may have isolated my problem.
the sims and FF:CC both are smaller than the standard size(1,425,760) I think that they've had their "garbage" data removed and this is whats keeping them from playing properly.
If anyone can tell me how to "fill them up", so that they are the right size please tell me
I think the POT setting is important in reading all backups. It should be quite low, between 170 and 220 ohms.
If the size of the files is the issue you need a program called FSTFIX. This will correct the image size to 1.36gb. I recently had to do this on a small image that wouldnt boot, after I fixed it it worked perfect...
Yeah I've got fstfix, I got it in the "anti DRE kit" that you can download over at TehSkeen.net
I had'nt thought about it in awhile, cuz when I tried it that method it screwed up my disc, but that was cloneCD's fault not fstfix's.
So I'll try it on the smaller images.
Does anyones cube read images smaller than 1,425,670?
There are modchips that have built in image size fixing that can play games under 1.36gb in size but I dont know which. I have Qoob Pro and that doesnt have image fixing....
Thanks Doom, I geuss I'll try fstfix'ing those .ISOs
You wouldn't happen to have the TehSkeen "anti DRE kit" yourself, would you?
(I have it, but I just wondered if the .bat files are any good?)
Its just fstfix(dosn't say which version in the package itself, but the post calls it 1.5f)
A bunch of premade .BAT files (for differant sized media, and with and w/out audio fix)
A file called gcom 24.7z(I dont know a lot about streaming)
And a clone CD trial
you've gotta be a member of tehskeen to DL, but its a pretty painless registration.