Countries with High crime
AfterDawn Addict
11. August 2003 @ 13:42 |
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Did you know that USA has the highest crime rate per person in the world. Did you also know that mine and Dela's Ireland has the second lowest rate of crime in the world per person. Japan has the lowest. Its great to be Irish!! (Ireland includes the North in that fact) Actually, i think it was based on Northern ireland, as opposed to all of Ireland, so maybe Dela isnt included. Heard it on the radio today.
Senior Member
11. August 2003 @ 14:33 |
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So what's with all the stuff with the Protestants and the Catholics up there? Are the Catholics so pissed that the Protestants don't have to kneel to pray? Or are the Protestants mad that they don't get wine at church?
Or am I just seeing too much of the bad stuff on TV?
AfterDawn Addict
11. August 2003 @ 15:08 |
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lol Something like that.
Its more to do with the LOyalists/Unionists (protestants) wanting to run the country and stay British and Republicans/Nationalists (Catholics) wanting the country to eventually re-join the rest of ireland.
Its a lot more complicated than that though as well. ;-)
12. August 2003 @ 22:40 |
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yes the USA has the highest crime rate, but we go the most guns too so....wanna make something of it?!?!?!?!?!? come on over. We put all our money in weapons, lottery tickets, and drugs. so come on over and mess with a poor, want to be rich, cranked up crackhead. Dont worry, as stupid as we act and as armed as we are, it's only a matter of time before we kill ourselves off and the rest of you countries can just divide up the US and make resort getaways out of it. I'm moving to Ireland dammit!! make room fellas, i'm on my way. - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
AfterDawn Addict
13. August 2003 @ 00:05 |
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lol - come on over.
In actual fact, Canada has the highest amount of guns per person ratio in the world. Yet it only gets about 7 gun kills a year, whereas i think USA is 40,000 guns kills a year. WOW
13. August 2003 @ 09:06 |
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wow! only 7 a year! you'd think with all the hunting up there, there would be more than 7 accidental shootings. or is that only 7 murders? hell if thats the case, the town i live in has more than that in a month! canada might have more guns, be we use more bullets! hell we'll shoot anyone. there was just a deal here where a 12 year old kid shoot his dad in the face because he was making fun of his new haircut. see, we never should have stopped spanking the children, thats the generation that is killing everyone now.
AfterDawn Addict
13. August 2003 @ 09:22 |
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7 gun related deaths a year - accidental and murder. It is pretty good. THe USA is well fucked up when it comes to guns. There are 110 People killed in USA every single day by guns. Thats nearly 5 people every hour. Every 13 minutes someone is killed by a gun in the USA. Damn - i'd hate to see your news lol.
Senior Member
13. August 2003 @ 11:07 |
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OK, in Calgary alone there were at least 7 gun deaths last year, so I'm calling B.S. on that one.
The number is pretty low though; I would say around 300-400 per year. Which leads me to one interesting conclusion regarding us and the Americans.......
It takes a lot more to piss one of us off!
Senior Member
13. August 2003 @ 11:19 |
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OK, got some numbers now.....
In 1990 there were 1324 gun deaths in Canada. But over 1000 of them were suicides, so it's likely the suicide people would have chosen other means if the gun wasn't available.
In 1999 there were 1006 gun deaths, and 802 of those were suicide.
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13. August 2003 @ 11:27 |
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damn all that gun slinging is used for suicide it must suck to live in canada or something
Quote: Damn - i'd hate to see your news lol.
yeah it is pretty depressing to watch the news so i dont do it anymore
Senior Member
13. August 2003 @ 11:51 |
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The suicide rate is about the same between Canada and the US, in 1997 we had 3700 and the US had 29 000 in 2000. (wasn't going to dig deeper for exact years to compare.)
One thing that is interesting; there are 3 times as many suicide attempts by women then men, but 3 times as many men actually kill themselves than women. I remember taking that in Sociology. I guess when men kill themselves they jump off buildings, swallow a gun, etc. Women take bottles of pills then call 911.
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13. August 2003 @ 12:18 |
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i just learned that last week in my psychology class last week do they ever change the lesson plan
and its just like women they always plan something and never go through with it do
Senior Member
13. August 2003 @ 12:30 |
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I was thinking of saying that, but decided not to. (lol)
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13. August 2003 @ 12:57 |
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You should see Bowling for Columbine. That film puts how bad the US is in perspective. Canada is not that bad, but next too the US its not too surprising. Tokyo with the population of Canada, I am slightly surprised there is less. But never know if everything gets reported.
But best example is that Real tv shows, the British one we get here as trafic violations. I saw 10 in one hour that were worst then I saw on the TV show when I lived in Boston area. THe US real tv has, gun hold ups and people stealling tanks. So I can imagine the land of the free and the saver of the world (USA) being much less then the rest of the world.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

AfterDawn Addict
13. August 2003 @ 17:04 |
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Thats what i got my figures from Prisoner. Just looked again and discovered it was 7 in the past 3 years in toronto, oops. Still compared to America, thats feck all.
Senior Member
13. August 2003 @ 18:35 |
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Hey, so I guess we're better than T.O. in that regards.
We rock! Keep up the good work everybody!
13. August 2003 @ 20:13 |
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my fellow Americans...go out and KILL, live up to our world status. Lets make this our best year ever! ;) - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
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14. August 2003 @ 08:53 |
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Ken0042, Calcary and Albert is the most like the USA. The gun laws are laxed.
I know Torontonians think Toronto is Canada, but I surprised others link so as well. Not being originally from Toronto I don`t yet have that focus. Toronto, there are much more knive fights the gun fights. When someone breaks out the guns every one runs. But a sword or knive fight, that`s what brings in the crowds. I did like the Michal Moore test to see how many doors in Canada are unlooked. When Canadians are at home we typically leave the door Unlocked and lock it only when leave or go to bed. When I was in the US, the second you come in the house, four dead bots close and chain goes on. Oh the fear.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

AfterDawn Addict
14. August 2003 @ 15:37 |
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lol - i like to have the dor locked in my house for security!