Please help. I had my N-64 and GC using the same hook up cables (trying to cut down on wires and keep cables into back AV inputs) I would switch the cable back and forth between GC and N-64 and life was beautiful on my old RCA tv, now I just bought a cheap sylvania and neither system will work on the new TV, just an unpleasant buzzing noise instead of audio. What is the problem? Is it something to do with analog vs. digital? What cables will allow me to play both systems? Any feedback is appreciated!
I am in North America. I will try plugging something else in the AV ports and see. I am just wondering if I need the cables with the S-video on the end Nintendo sells.
ok let me know what happens.
As long as the tv has RCA inputs(that is the name of the red,white,yellow AV wires that should have come with your 'cube) It should work no need for s-video.
usually s-vid is just an alternative video input, but if the tv has the regular yelllow "video in" it should work.
what model is the tv?
so the ps2 works in the AV inputs, but the cube dosnt?
thats weird cuz they're both basically the same kind of signal.
I would think that it was your cubes av connection was damaged, but if your n64 isn't working either thats a bit to much of a coincidence.
maybe your AV cable is damaged?
white goes to white red goes to red and yellow goes to yellow it sounds like to me you have the red and white audio going into the audio out ports on the tv not the audio in ports so try again and see if this makes a differrence it may also be good to know that certain flat panel tvs cannot handle certain video game consoles my 3do and my compact disk interactive player that i play zelda on both dont work on my lcd tv because they only send out a anolog signal and my tv only accepts digital signals which the ps2 and xbox and 360 send out where gamecube doesn't
Ah, that maybe it. I was thinking it may be the digital/analog thing. I have tried every combination of colors with the cables, none worked. I have been hooking games up for years w/out problems. Thanks for the helpful feedback!