I bought the magickey set and I ran into some issues trying to put that tricky piece in. I couldn't get it to work, and now the playstation won't start up, even with the piece removed. The light on the front turns red, but when I press it, it turns green and then goes right back to red. My thought was that I might have shorted something out when I was prodding that piece of stainless steel around inside the PS2. I found this picture, http://www.cyber-mag.com/station/fuses/v12_gh032_fuses.jpg and checked all the fuses. The PS15 fuse looks like it's blown. The picture says it's a 5 amp fuse, but when I search online for the part number CCP2E100 (like it says right on the motherboard), it says that it's a 4 amp fuse ( http://www.koaproducts.com/english/catalogue/ccp.htm ) I'm not really sure where to purchase this from. Can anyone provide some insight as to whether or not this is the right fuse to buy? And where I can get it?
I thought about just shorting out the fuse to see if it would work. Then I'd know that was the part that needed to be replace, but I kind of ruined the ribbon cable for the laser. Whoops.
Do you have a DVM? If so you can use its continuity tester (if it has one) to verify if the fuse is blown or not. Shorting across the fuse is never really a good idea cuz if the problem remains there will be no protection and your situation will get worse. Also you can use any 5amp SMD fuse or for that matter any 5amp use SMD or not. It is odd though that link you posted shows the same part number as a 4amp fuse.
Yes, I have a multimeter and verified that the fuse is blown. I'm 95% sure that I shorted across something when I was trying to get that magic key thing to work, causing the fuse to blow. I figured I would try shorting across the fuse just to see if the PS2 would work, so I could verify that it was actually that fuse that was the only problem.
My real concern was the fact that it listed the part number as a 4 amp fuse. It doesn't sound like it will be a problem though.
Did the ribbon get damaged after or during your magic keys install? A damaged ribbon could certainly blow a fuse. Its of course up to you weather or not you short across the fuse, but consider what might happen when fuses are cheap its not like it would be an inconvenience to blow another verses damaging the console beyond repair, cuz you really have no idea if the problem remains or not.