I burn .avi movies to cd and often find the sound is too quiet after this. (Maybe it is before this, too... doesn't matter, still want to know the same thing..)... How do I increase the volume level on an .avi file?
Another option is to use the TFM Audio Filter. You can get it with the new Nimo Build 9 Beta 1 or directly from http://www.tfm.ro/. Anyway, after installing whenever a video is played the TFM filter will load and place an icon in the system tray (a hand icon, sort of). Clicking on the logo will give you the ability to use a realtime audio amplifier.
While this will work (and it works well), it does not solve the source of the problem. Anyway, that's the way I would deal with it.
Thats weird I tried the link and the page came up...
Anyways download virtualdubmod and load the avi into the program. Get into the streams menu and select stream list. Youll see the audio file of the avi there. If its an mp3 file, click on Demux and vdubmod will create a copy of the mp3 file. Run the mp3 file in mp3gain and then get back into vdubmod and into the stream list. Click on disable to disable the previous audio file, then click on add to add the new one. Click Ok and get into the Video menu and make sure Direct Stream Copy is enabled. Then save your file.
Thanks Power... not so weird, I'm in China and what with the govt blocking and shonky ISP's and phone lines et al anything can happen at any time and usually does.
I already have virtual dub and I will follow your instructions and see what my sound is like then.... thanks a lot...
Well I didn't try yet - I've only got as far as downloading the two required progs - but your advice looks very authoritative. I'm sure it will be solved. Thanks for that.
This site is amazingly good and valuable. Do they (and sites like this) object if I put a link to it on my own webpage?