when i am creating a VCD and i am encoding the files i want, i use mpeg-1? correct? well i did that on one of my files it finished encoding succesfully (the option was NTSC mpeg-1 or something like that) then i burned it with NERO and on my DVD player it says it could not recognize the format? plz insert another disk?/ any
any help with this would be great, do i need to use mpeg-2 or do i need to select a different option at the beginning???
and help would be great.
If you have followed our DVD to VCD guide, you already know that VCD is MPEG-1 with specific arguments (352x240/288 resolution, 1150kbps video bitrate, mp2 audio with max 224kbps bitrate), burned in a specific way to a CD using VCD capable burning software like Nero and can only contain exactly 74mins of video on 74min CD.
If you have followed our guides (DVD-2-VCD and VCD with Nero) to the letter (max 4x burning, close discs, etcetcetc), your only options are that your player doesn't support VCD or that your CDR media is something your player doesn't like.
I am having the same exact problem you are, and I can't figure out whether my DVD player just won't play any VCDs, I'm am using bad CD-R's to burn the VCDs on, or I'm doing something wrong in the encoding or burning. If a VCD will play with a VCD player on my computer should it be able to work in my DVD player?
ok listen newbies
your dvd player may be able to play vcd's (it said so on the hull)do you know if your vcd player plays cd-rs? or even cd-rw's if it doesnt play thoughs it wont play the vcds you burned....