I have read and found excellent solutions here to help me install Magic Keys, copy and play PS2 back up games. As a return for those good advices, I am posting my solution for those of you who have PS2 v15 and using Magic Keys. I think this works better than the straw method and you don't even need to use magic key #3 or open up your console, and you can play your games with or without the top close. I will try to provide the directions the best I can explain. Again, this is only for installing key #3 only (you can disable key #1 and #2 too without having to buy the Magic Keys #1 and #2 if you read the suggestions on this board)
1) Just find strip of hard plastic (like credit card but much thinner and bendable).
2) Cut the plastic into strip about 3/8 inche wide and 1.5 inches or so long.
3) Using key #3, measure the length of the part on key #3 that you have to insert down the tiny hole, then bend the plastic strip according to this length at a 90 degree angle.
4) NOTICE how the tip on key #3 is angle in a bit, fold/bend the tip of the plastic strip to a 45 degree angle. FOLD it good so you can see a crease on the plastic then unfold it. The plastic tip should be angling a bit after you unfolde it.
5) open the lid of your PS2 and power on.
6) Slide the plastic strip down the right side of the door hinge (the long crack on the left of where key #3 suppose to be inserted in). The plastic strip you got have to fit in this opening or you have to get a thinner strip.
7) Move or position the plastic strip as close to the front of the crack until the laser activate. You may need a tweezer to help you position the strip if you fingers are too big). If it doesn't work, try moving the strip along the crack and press it down until the plastic strip activate the laser (move it in play position). You may have to bend the plastic tip in order for it to sit correctly on the hidden button below the hinge. Tape the plastic strip down with a good strong adhesive tape when the laser activated.
8)Enjoy your back up games with the lid close!!!
I hope this will help some of you. If I know how to upload pictures on here, I would show you what my PS2 look like after intalling the keys.
Thanks! All it takes is to examine what/how the keys works and almost anybody can come up with an alternative soloution for it. I wished I had read more and found the installation guides, such as the straw, tape, or tissue paper method before I bought the Magic Keys. This forum has lots of great and money-saving tips if people read throughly.