I am trying to make an audio CD for my daughter of all her favorite songs of th CD's we own. I figure it would be easier to put all the songs she likes on there instead of having her always change the CD's. ;)
Anyhow, I have WinXP Home and I have Nero 5.5 and now 6.0 installed. For some odd reason I cannot burn cd's at all. It gives me an error saying to put in a blank cd into the drive when one is already inserted.
Is there a patch I need for XP to correct this issue? Do you people recommend anything? Would I have to format? Please let me know. I appreciate all replies.
1. Check out ASPI (try ASPI4.60)
2. There is a CD burning patch available with WXP however I believe it is already included in SP1
3. Did you have any luck burning with XP and Nero 5.5?
Yes it does seem like ASPI would be at fault however another thing to check is just to make sure that the OS properly detected the drive and installed the correct drivers
This above message is the error that I am getting in Nero when I try and burn.
- Installed update.
- Installed newestversion of ASPI
If I want to update my BIOS firmware, I need to get into MS-DOS but I don't have a floppy drive installed and greating a bootable CD... well... If i could burn... :)
I had the same problems in XP. The feature is not enabled until you you manually enable it. Here is the exerpt from the Help menu to enable CD burning. BJ
This behavior occurs because the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service is set to Disabled. By default, the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service is turned off in Windows Server 2003 because this service is not considered a critical service on a server.
To work around this behavior:
Click Start, and then click Administrative Tools.
Click Services.
Right-click IMAPI CD-Burning COM service, and then click Properties.
Set the Startup type to Automatic.
Click Start to start the service, and then click OK.
You may have to log off and then log on for this change to take effect.
This behavior is by design.
I still have a few problems with mine also after activating, but after some research, I think part of my problem is the Memorex CD-RWs that I am using. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The reviews I've seen on Memorex CD-RWs shows a lot of problems with them. Which brand are you using? Try starting with a fresh CD that hasn't been used at all. That worked for me a few times. Have you turned off your computer at all since you activated CD burning? Leave it off for a few minutes, then turn on and try again with the fresh CD.
I know how frustrating this is! It took me a while to get mine working also.