The card that I bought off of amazon was working fine till this morning. When ever I copy a folder onto it all the files in the folder disappear after I take the card out, the folder stays. It says there 2.2GB free but every time I copy files over the number drops, is this card fake.
Secondly, what files are you trying to copy and where?
Also try formatting the Mem Stick on your PC to FAT32 and then reformat it on your PSP see if that helps.
I know how frustrating it is to have a **ed memory stick as your PSP is virtually useless, my old 1Gb suddenly stopped working one day (I'll never trust Ebay again).
If all else fails return it, and buy it from a store.
yes ebey is VERY bad for fake memsticks even though i got a real 2gb for half the shop price
even though your card sounds f*cked up i wouldnt expect amazon to sell a fake card as they have a good reputation to uphold so its probably just a faulty card
It's a 4GB Sandisk card that I got off amazon market place. I just did some research and noticed that mine doesn't have a serial number in the back. If this is fake I'm going to report this to amazon because the do have a guarantee on items you buy from the market place.
Finally got it home to really try it out, I formatted it and tryed copying my whole music folder. Before I took it out it said 1.5 GB used, after it said 1.1GB. So realisticly its a working 1.1GB MC. But I want my money back.