Hi guys - I have a tivo so i use tivo desktop to transfer the .tivo file onto my pc. I then use Videredo to edit commercials and then I save that file as an mpg or I can save it as a VOB file. So after that I am stuck at what to do! I try and open the mpg or VOB file into DVD Shrink or DVD Decrypter and they both say the files are invalid. So I know I need to somehow convert the mpg file or a VOB file into an iso image or some sort of file so those burning enginges are able to open them so I can burn them to DVD-R. Please help!! I have done searches on these forums and have found nothing to help me. Thanks!!
A VOB file is simply a multiplexed system stream, containing both Video, Audio & any subtitle streams all muxed into one file.
These, although the core of DVD-Video, are unsuitable for authoring as they are NOT, repeat not designed to be edited in any way. Most authoring applications will require the use of elementary streams (IE separate Audio & Video files) created to DVD-Video specifications.
You need an authoring application, moreover one that will be a little forgiving - unless your video files are already 720x480.....
DVDShrink & DVDDecrypter are both rippers, not authoring tools.
On a budget, you may want to try GEAR Video.
There is a 30 day trial at www.gearsoftware.com, the full version is only $50, and it will allow you to author not only DVD-Video but also VCD & SVCD, and will also burn just about every kind of disc you can imagine.
Well worth a look.