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13. February 2007 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So, I have a PS3 and an upconverting DVD player. I'm looking into getting an HDTV. I was wondering if I can have some opinions on which one to get. Limits? Yes. It has to be a 26" HDTV. The TV is going in an entertainment center and anything bigger simply will not fit. I did the measurements and this is what I have to work with: H - 27 and a half, W - 28. I would like to keep it under $1000. This rules out Sony's because I know they're really expensive. That's not a big deal though. I was looking at both the Sharp and the Phillips 26" HDTVs. They're both the same price. I'm just wondering what you guys think is the better TV and why? Thanks.

My DVD Arsenal: BenQ DW1650 Drive, Plextor DVDRW PX-740A Drive, Nero, AnyDVD, CloneDVD2, DVD Shrink 3.2, DVD Decrypter, DVDFab HD Decrypter, VobBlanker, RipIt4Me, FixVTS
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13. February 2007 @ 13:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would save your money or find more room somewhere else. A 27 inch HD compared to a good tube TV is not much difference. HD was made to go big. Nowadays you can buy a HD projector for close to $1,000 mount it on your ceiling and project a 100 inch image on your wall. And the picture is just as good if not better than some of those 50 inch flat screens. Just my opinion.
Junior Member
13. February 2007 @ 15:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
overall i would agree with pmaknelho. HDTV really shines once you get to over 34 inches (i know some people would argue that it really needs over 40 or 42 inches). however, when my father switched from standard def to HDTV on a 32 inch there was an impressive difference. i'm sure 27 inches of 1080i or 720p would really make you happier than 27 inches of 480i. but again, i would opt for a bigger tv.

i just went from a 27 inch standard CRT to a 40 inch 720p LCD and i love the difference. i initially thought that anything over 32 inches would be too big for my apartment but was completely wrong, and now i love watching stuff at 40 inches. so there is reason to think that doing away with your entertainment center isn't such a bad move.

but anyways, you asked about a 27 inch. if you're going to stay with an entertainment center that likely has tons of depth then why not go with a 27 inch CRT tv? you can get a Insignia 27" Flat-Tube HDTV (1080i) (Model: NS-27HTV) for $415 on best buy. you'll never find an LCD or plasma for that price and the pic quality will be equal (actually the CRT will probably be better).

i would argue that you should either ditch the entertainment center and get a bigger flat panel HDTV. or stay with the entertainment center and go with a CRT HDTV. the only downside of getting a CRT tv is that they're so big that when you want to get something new you'll never fit a CRT anywhere else in the house (unless you have pretty big rooms) to make it worthwhile. my dad's 32 inch CRT is a monster in terms of size and weight. totally unwieldy anywhere in the house except the family room where it's at.

@ pmaknelho - my friend has a 1080p projector that displays on a 91 inch pull-down screen. it is incredible. we watched a football game on it - wow, it's awesome to see 6 feet tall images running across the room.
14. February 2007 @ 10:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@kg2 ya my basement was used quite a bit on Sundays. Too bad the Bears ended up losing. Luckily my wife likes to watch football as well. I would strongly recommend anyone with the extra room should buy a projection. A friend of mine has one mounted above his bed and displays 65 inches. He's glad I talked him out of buying a flat screen. I was nervous when I first bought it, because I hadn't seen a HD projector before and I thought $1500 was cheap compared to flat screens. Now when I see some of those 70 inch flat screens for 6000-10,000 dollars at least half of tehm dont produce as good as a picture. It truely is a great technology that most people haven't seen.
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14. February 2007 @ 12:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, probably a basic question: I want a 16 x 9 tv, maybe about 27" or a bit larger; I watch dvd's ONLY; i do not have any, nor require any, TV service. our public library here gets EVERYTHING, British and American, on dvd, free. So: What are my options for a good tv? What are the options for a flat screen? I'll spend maybe up to 1500, I guess, but here's a telling fact: I have a 25" TV since 1985, it's fantastic, and i do NOT want a TV on which people appear bigger on TV than they are in life--to give you a further idea, i mainly READ (college professor here) and am not a TV addict, and like my other 2 TVs, expect mine to last 20 years or so, as they have. I hate going into homes with huge surround-sound TV's--my first thought is, "Jeez, these people don't read." In other words, I'd watch Fellini or Bergnman films on a 13" B&W before I'd ever watch Independence Day (or some like American Populist crap) on a huge TV. So what are my options cost-wise and quality wise? I'm SO not interested in HD.
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14. February 2007 @ 12:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mixwell:
Okay, probably a basic question: I want a 16 x 9 tv, maybe about 27" or a bit larger; I watch dvd's ONLY; i do not have any, nor require any, TV service. our public library here gets EVERYTHING, British and American, on dvd, free. So: What are my options for a good tv? What are the options for a flat screen? I'll spend maybe up to 1500, I guess, but here's a telling fact: I have a 25" TV since 1985, it's fantastic, and i do NOT want a TV on which people appear bigger on TV than they are in life--to give you a further idea, i mainly READ (college professor here) and am not a TV addict, and like my other 2 TVs, expect mine to last 20 years or so, as they have. I hate going into homes with huge surround-sound TV's--my first thought is, "Jeez, these people don't read." In other words, I'd watch Fellini or Bergman films on a 13" B&W before I'd ever watch Independence Day (or some like American Populist crap) on a huge TV. So what are my options cost-wise and quality wise? I'm SO not interested in HD. I am basically asking, I guess, about the different types of TVs, etc.
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14. February 2007 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mixwell:
Okay, probably a basic question: I want a 16 x 9 tv, maybe about 27" or a bit larger; I watch dvd's ONLY; i do not have any, nor require any, TV service. our public library here gets EVERYTHING, British and American, on dvd, free. So: What are my options for a good tv? What are the options for a flat screen? I'll spend maybe up to 1500, I guess, but here's a telling fact: I have a 25" TV since 1985, it's fantastic, and i do NOT want a TV on which people appear bigger on TV than they are in life--to give you a further idea, i mainly READ (college professor here) and am not a TV addict, and like my other 2 TVs, expect mine to last 20 years or so, as they have. I hate going into homes with huge surround-sound TV's--my first thought is, "Jeez, these people don't read." In other words, I'd watch Fellini or Bergman films on a 13" B&W before I'd ever watch Independence Day (or some like American Populist crap) on a huge TV. So what are my options cost-wise and quality wise? I'm SO not interested in HD. I am basically asking, I guess, about the different types of TVs: Flat panel, LCD, plasma, etc.

14. February 2007 @ 15:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If your not interested in HD and would rather watch black and white movies on a 13", then save your money. You don't need a new TV. I'm sure you could find something else to spend that 1500 on. right?
Junior Member
15. February 2007 @ 11:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i'm a bit unclear as to what you'd like to get out of a new tv. you have a 25 inch tv that you're satisfied with and are not interested in HD - what are you then trying to improve upon? are you interested in a bigger screen? smaller space requirement?

basically, an LCD or plasma screen allows one to have a flat panel display which saves lots of room and weight. this becomes an issue for screens that are on the larger side: many of us don't have the space for a 40 inch CRT but can fit a 40 inch flat panel just fine. but at 27 inches space is probably not that big of a deal unless you're trying to hang a tv on the wall. therefore, there isn't a big incentive to get plasma or LCD at 27 inches. just stay with a CRT. and if you're not interested in HD then you can stay with resolution of 480i. the picture quality of an LCD with a display of 480i is not going to be different than an regular CRT display of 480i. in fact, the CRT is likely to be a bit better.

so if you're going with a 480i CRT then you have many options - you can get a 27 inch tv for $300 easily. but i'm not sure why you'd want to get one if you're already satisfied with the one you have. the flat screen on the new tvs make for better viewing angles, i guess.
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15. February 2007 @ 11:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what is a crt? yes, i would like a dash bigger and a flat screen with a rectangular screen for 16 x 9 films, BBC shows, etc. what is the life expectancy of the lcd's and others? > forums > archived forums > hdtv discussion > hdtv opinions

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