ps3 vs Wii vs 360
Junior Member
15. February 2007 @ 16:42 |
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hmmm... I came on this site mostly to find torrent help but now i can see it's for general everything that's good to know lol. I checked around the site but i didn't really come up on any good thread discussing the new systems. A lot of people say ps3 is just as good as 360 but at a much higher price. Well that's bull right there. 360 is a very good game system but ps3 is a very good media center.
Here's what i would rate them all on price and gaming/media.
GAMING-Nintendo Wii-4/5
Xbox 360-3/5
Playstion 3-5/5
PRICES- Wii -5/5
Xbox 360- 4/5
So you can see that overall wii gets a 9/10, ps3 gets a 8/10 and 360 gets a 7/10. So wii wins but only because it's a crazy new idea and it's so good for the prices. ps3 is the best for gaming purposes although it doesn't have lots of games but 360 still has great graphics for a good price!!! Feel free to debate on any of this!!!
Senior Member
15. February 2007 @ 20:43 |
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what games did you play for each system?
i'm just curious because it seems to me that the 360 has the most content (and a lot of award winning content, I might add), yet you gave it the lowest gaming score.
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16. February 2007 @ 00:10 |
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i'd say ps3 for power.
360 for market friendly.
wii for innovation.
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16. February 2007 @ 02:38 |
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Oh no, not another 360 vs. ps3 vs. wii thread. SIGH.
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Junior Member
16. February 2007 @ 03:22 |
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My personal opinion is PS3 over the XBOX, But I am also gonna buy a WII. It is all about what you like. Try them out for yourself, before you buy.
Senior Member
16. February 2007 @ 04:34 |
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I played excite truck w/e for wii it was no more fun than the demo of motor storm. Xbox 360 my siter boy friend has it and it gets boring quick. I say ps3 hasnt gotten old yet.
In fact I think we would be fooling our selves if we have a community this large, and did not realize that there are some enemies present.
Senior Member
16. February 2007 @ 07:17 |
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yay more console versus threads...
As of this point ppl are sick of wii sports and zelda so the wii is boring right now...
Also with the PS3 nothing is that exciting besides Resistance...
But the 360 is full of games that have ppl going crazy for and why is that? Cuz its been out over a year.
So there is no point really to compare the 3 consoles when 2 of them are brand new and doesnt have enough good games yet to discuss.
Maybe next year...
Off the topic but have anyone read this months issue of EGM? I wonder how much money Nintendo paid them to bash the PS3 and using it as their main article and having another article on how extremly fun the wii is when old ladies play it (when half the time they didnt even know what the hell was goin on) only does everything(that Sony allows it to)
Senior Member
16. February 2007 @ 07:50 |
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Originally posted by CrisKahn2:
Off the topic but have anyone read this months issue of EGM? I wonder how much money Nintendo paid them to bash the PS3 and using it as their main article and having another article on how extremly fun the wii is when old ladies play it (when half the time they didnt even know what the hell was goin on)
So the possibility that EGM is just reiterating current trend is out of the question?
Junior Member
16. February 2007 @ 13:42 |
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i personally thing that ps3 is probably the best system out there but im not saying 360 is bad. Another thing is if you had xbox you're mostly gonna buy 360 and same with the other systems. I've tried 360 and ps3 because im not sure what to buy. I have ps2 and i've had psx so i have been following the sony series. Now im thinking about buying a wii because it's something really new lol
Junior Member
16. February 2007 @ 13:42 |
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14 product reviews
16. February 2007 @ 17:30 |
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Yeah but Ps3 is made up of First Generation games... PS3 hasnt even began to unleash its power in gaming, wait till 30 and 60 gig blue rays come out... I love SONY! I have never cared for Xbox.. Played it once in a store.. I just think Microsoft should stick to PC's... Nintendo- I grew up on..I remember the first day it came out, those where the days... Regardless of which system is "better" they all have ups and downs. Sony has badass Graphics, but right now the content is pretty lame, Xbox has descent graphics but better content,and a "name", Nintendo, I think is one of the best overall systems.I still play my old Nintendo and SNES Roms...
Junior Member
16. February 2007 @ 17:53 |
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lol yea ness is still fun to play everynow and then and your right, it's a little to early to say that ps3 is good or bad because it hasn't released any amazing games but give it a year and it'll be on the top. Still i have to admit that wii is an cool idea, it's not your every day gaming system and i think they changed it up because nintendo gamecube just sucked except for some good games every now and then
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1 product review
16. February 2007 @ 19:09 |
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Quote: As of this point ppl are sick of wii sports and zelda so the wii is boring right now...
Wii sports is boring ya but I dont think zelda is I mean?,This is a fact still since launch "Since Launch for Every 4 Wii consoles sold 3 out of 4 consoles Were bought with The Zelda Game" I dont think a game thats boring sells like that Thats like saying Kingdom Hearts is boring Kingdom Hearts isnt boring might be to some wierd people.
Wii sports is Overhyped its boring there is nothing in it.
The Ps3 is becoming a bit boring no good games you would think after the launch of Ps2 in 01 with some of the best games in the 6th Gen (GTAII,GT3) that they would improve on that instead they went very poor this time around maybe 2 good launch games resistance for one.
At the Moment Ps3 might be the most boring.
360 is just lucky it has had teh 1 year head start that means it has ots of games Id say its the least boring out of the 3.
Junior Member
17. February 2007 @ 05:43 |
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First of all kingdom hearts is probably one of the best disney games and people say it sucks before they even try it. Your saying that wii is getting boring and so is ps3 but that's cause they're still new so they haven't unleashed they're gaming potential yet unlike 360 and your right , 360 is probably the best right now but only because they got a head start so they already have some good games.
Senior Member
26. February 2007 @ 06:17 |
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Junior Member
26. February 2007 @ 11:54 |
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i would totally do the ps3 chick over the wii chick any day
Junior Member
26. February 2007 @ 12:11 |
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wow ur messed up then
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26. February 2007 @ 12:50 |
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all systems are good it just depends on what you want. for absolute raw gaming it is the xbox 360 then in a close second ps3 than wii. for price it would seem the wii is the best, but in reality with every thing you get with the ps3 such as blu ray a free ps3 charger, 60 gig hard drive, and everything else. ps3 is also the best all around media center even though x360 could be as good of a media center but you will have to spend alot of money.
Junior Member
26. February 2007 @ 14:40 |
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that's not completely true; people have started to take ps3 as media center and xbox 360 as a better gaming system. Ps3 just hasn't released any great games but when they do they'll probably blow the heck out of 360. Although i don't think anything ps3 releases will be better than halo 3!!
Junior Member
26. February 2007 @ 15:24 |
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Originally posted by ps3rocks: hmmm... I came on this site mostly to find torrent help but now i can see it's for general everything that's good to know lol. I checked around the site but i didn't really come up on any good thread discussing the new systems. A lot of people say ps3 is just as good as 360 but at a much higher price. Well that's bull right there. 360 is a very good game system but ps3 is a very good media center.
Here's what i would rate them all on price and gaming/media.
GAMING-Nintendo Wii-4/5
Xbox 360-3/5
Playstion 3-5/5
PRICES- Wii -5/5
Xbox 360- 4/5
So you can see that overall wii gets a 9/10, ps3 gets a 8/10 and 360 gets a 7/10. So wii wins but only because it's a crazy new idea and it's so good for the prices. ps3 is the best for gaming purposes although it doesn't have lots of games but 360 still has great graphics for a good price!!! Feel free to debate on any of this!!!
Ok, how can you put the 360 at 7/10 when at the moment its got the best games out of all 3 systems on it???.
Junior Member
26. February 2007 @ 16:18 |
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well that's just in my opinion and because the other two systems are still new but they have more potential then 360
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26. February 2007 @ 16:44 |
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go to and look at consoulses
xbox 360-8.4
see each system is pretty close it just depends on what u want
Junior Member
26. February 2007 @ 16:52 |
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yea...360 for just gaming needs, wii for something new if you're tired of the same old games and stuff...and ps3 for everything else lol.
26. February 2007 @ 18:49 |
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PS3 has some amazing graphics, and both the PS3 and Xbox 360 have great titles in the future, but obviously the Nintendo Wii wins the discussion. Why? You get the most bang for your buck. It's like a Thai whorehouse or something...
Seriously though, even if you're a communist and don't like any of the Wii games out now, you should buy it just for the virtual console. To be able to play all those old games you grew up on? C'mon. I can't even believe this is an argument.
The Wii wins hands down, and next up is the PS3, just because it was designed to last (be able to play graphically intense games) far into the future, just like the PS2, which still is selling many units a month.
I will be buying a PS3 sooner or later because I am a huge fan of the GTA series, but that can wait. If you're stuck wondering what console you should buy, it's a no-brainer, every open-minded gamer will tell you.
Buy Wii.
Senior Member
1 product review
26. February 2007 @ 19:19 |
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Funny thing clearly the Ps3 isnt haveing alot of succes I mean yeah it hasnt released in all regions but only 1.6million in Japan and America Cmon after 4 months that isnt what I call succesfull Japan and America are where most consoles get sold well mor ethen in Europe and Aus Europe will add maybe about 500,000 consoles ustralia around 160,000 that will get up to about 2.3million in sales and slowly rise that isnt called succesfull Wii has sold 4.7million in all regions but the Total Sold in just US and Japan is much Higher then the amount of Ps3's in those same regions and the wii is already half way on catching the 360 and thats just the start sales have eased now but remember only 1 Nintendo Flagship tittle has released but wait until Super Mario Galxy SSBB and Metriod 3 come the sales will scy rocket not to mentin all the Third Party games liek Godfather and Scarface,Manhunt the Ps3 has only what Gt5 and GTA IV all the other stuff isnt that popular sure people will like it just like I love the F1 Games not many do but I think they are one of the bst racing sims.
Iam not biased as I have preorderd Ps3 and F1 champ ed any chance anyone know the release date for F1 Championship Edition I have pred it and dont even know the date?????
I also own a Wii.