can you really put like 12 games on a 4gb stick? hmm... maybe i won't need the 8gb after all... but will removing updates from the game will it affect the game in anyway
Originally posted by fawkyou:is there an easy way?
Lol its kinda easy compress ur iso to cso using ciso converter. Use google ^^.
Originally posted by 123Justin:can you really put like 12 games on a 4gb stick? hmm... maybe i won't need the 8gb after all... but will removing updates from the game will it affect the game in anyway
Some games takes only 200 mb, if theyre ripped good and theres no animations vids, only 1 language.
Removing update folders doesnt affect to game, nothing happend to my games, just got about 30 megs off
get umdgen, open the iso in umdgen, find the update folder, and delete it, and then go to file->save as and save the new iso. then u could use a iso to cso converter and convert the iso to a cso. there are also files that aren't needed such as language files, so if u only speak english, delete all the other languages in umdgen. and lastly, some isos are just filled with empty space, so just opening them in umdgen and rebuilding will get rid of the empty space.
There's a good guide on this forum, take a look in the sticky. Essentially with umgen you can take out files you won't be needing. Like if you don't play online, you can remove the online stuff, removing language will get the size down, but it won't win the war for you - it's the media files that will really make a difference. You can make dummy files for music and you can replace videos with smaller clips - for sports games you can take out commentary...etc
The really easy/quick win is removing the pad files sometimes that alone can cut down 100 MB.