Harddisk Compatibility: HDAdvance is compatible with all official PS2 harddisk, and most other standard IDE harddisk with 40GB or larger capacity. Some modern Seagate harddisk may have problems when used in conjunction with older models of the official PS2 network adapter. Most Western Digital harddisk do not physically fit in the PS2 Official network adapter without some modification.
The information of the table below is shared/provided by the HDAdvance users. If you want to share your experience of which harddisk is suitable for using HDAdvance, CLICK HERE
Compatible harddisk Capacity Provided By
Maxtor Ultra 7200 RPM Internal Hard Drive 80GB RAKESH MANGAL
20G maxtor
6l200po 200 G
6y160p0 160
7200 RPM IDE use 230 gb great 250 GB Lic. Eduardo Rodr
acomdata 250gb Al
Barracuda 7200.7 Plus 8MB ATA100 7200RPM Model Number:ST3160023A 160GB J. Felts
buffalo 80G
deskstar 60 Mark Adams
deskstar 60 Mark Adams
diamondmax 10 6l200p0 200gb Matteo Ferrario
diamondmax 10 6l200p0 200gb
DYNEX internal HD model: DY-hd18-80G 80GB Imran Ahmed
Excel Store 40gb Shadow
hitachi 20 G
hitachi 80gb JAY MOSLEY
hitachi 40 Thomas Schlachter
hitachi 40 Thomas Schlachter
Hitachi Deskstar 7200RPM 40G Daryl Johnson
Hitachi Deskstar 7K250, 8mb cache, 7200 RPM, Ultra ATA100 Model H3160B72P 160.0GB John
Hitachi Deskstar IC35L180AVV207-1 185.2 GB
HITACHI HDS722516VLAT Ide 3,5" 7200t 8mo Interne Deskstar 160
Hitachi Model# HDS72161PLAT80 164GB
Hitachi Model# HDS72161PLAT80 164GB Adrian and Teresa Smith
IBM Deskstar 7200 RPM 40GB unclefab
iomega usb 2.0 160G Akira Coubo
iomega usb2.0 250Gb
LACIE 100gb Jaime Damian Fernandez Garcia
LDHD320-U 320
LDHD320-U 320
MAaxtor diamondmax 6L300R0 16M 300 G Cham PEH
Maxtor 160 G
maxtor 120 juan gonzalez
Maxtor 300GB L01R300 16MB Buffer Ultra ATA/133 7200RPM 300 G Brandon Hoff
Maxtor 6B200P0 200GB
Maxtor 6L160PO 160 GB Phillip and Danette Riggenbach
Maxtor 6Y060L0 2MB 7200 U/Min 60 GB Freddy
maxtor 7200 rpm 80G
Maxtor 7200 RPM Ultra ATA/133 8MB Cache 160GB Andrew
Maxtor 7200RPM 200GB joshbradford
Maxtor 7200RPM 200GB joshbradford
Maxtor 9 1021U2 7200rpm 10GB Luca
maxtor diamond 9 plus 7200 rpm 80 gb Andrea
maxtor diamond 9 plus 7200 rpm 80 gb Andrea
Maxtor diamond max 10 7200rpm 16mb 200gb-250gb & 300gb Bidoche Fraser
Maxtor Diamond MaxPlus Ultra16 300 GB Maurice Wilkerson
Maxtor DiamondMax 10 6B300R0 ATA-133 16MB Cache 300GB Sergyus
Maxtor DiamondMax 10 L01R250 250 GB Rob Dove
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 10 6B200PO ATA-133 8MB Cache 200GB Dave
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 10 6B200PO ATA-133 8MB Cache 200GB Dave
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 160GB ATA/133 HDD 160GB CRAIG LEWIS
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus9-6Y120P0 2MB 7200U 120GB Marcos Hartenstein
Maxtor DiamondMaxPlus Ultra16 16MBCache 7200RPM UltraATA/133 300 GB Daniel Bairos
maxtor maxline 2 5A300J0 300gb 5400rpm 2mb Bidoche Fraser
maxtor model no. 53073H6 30 GB John
MAXTOR PATA 200 GB DiamondMax10 8MB 7200 6L200P0 200 GB
Maxtor Ultra 7200 RPM Internal Hard Drive 80GB RAKESH MANGAL
or Diamondmax Plus 9 6Y200P0 ATA/133 200GB j-ro24
packard bell 190
Quantum Fireball LCT 20G Mitsu
samsung sp2014n
Samsung 1654N - 7200rpm - 8Mb Cache 160GB Smith Nick (IRE11)
Samsung 400GB HD400LD 8MB 7200 RPM U-133 400
Samsung 400GB HD400LD 8MB 7200 RPM U-133 400 ther HAUNOLD
Samsung Hard Drive 7200RPM (HSAM30072K8M) 300Gb Ivan Weaver
SAMSUNG SP0802N 2MB 7200U/min 80GB Mike
SAMSUNG SP0802N 2MB 7200U/min 80GB Mike
SAMSUNG SP1203N 2MB 7200U/min 120GB Mike
Samsung SP1604N - 8MB - 7200U/min 160GB
SAMSUNG SP1604N 2MB 7200U/min 160GB Mike
SAMSUNG SP2014N 200GB Billy Pryor
SAMSUNG SV1203N 2MB 5400 U/min 120GB hertie
Samsung SV1204H 120 Gb toneywayne
Seagate 160 GB Barracude ATA HD (ST3160023A-RK) 160 GB Dexter L. Hanson
Seagate 2,5Inch. ST94019A 4200rpm USB 40Gb
Seagate Barracuda 7200 40GB Oliver Payne
Seagate Barracuda 7200 2mb Cache 80 GB Tauheedul Ali
SEAGATE Barracuda 7200.7 Plus 8MB ATA100 7200RPM Model Number:ST340014A 200GB unclefab
Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Plus 8mb ATA100 7200rpm model ST32000023A-RK 200GB enigmatic1
Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM 80GB Manuel Makepeace Alconero
Seagate Barracuda ST3300831A 300 G Oupheth Rattanong
Seagate Barracuda ST380021A 7200rpm ATA 100 80Gb Scott & Cindy Courtney
Seagate Barracuda ST380021A 7200rpm ATA 100 80Gb Scott & Cindy Courtney
Seagate BARRACUDA Ultra ATA/100 5400 RPM Model ST340015A 40GB Steven
Seagate Barracuda Ultra-ATA 7200.7 ST3120026A 120gb
SEAGATE ST320014A 20 G
Seagate ST320014A 20 Gb
seagate ST340810A 40GB Jorge Imedio
Seagate ST360020A 60GB 5400U/min 60GB ReaL_DiGGa
Seagate U Series 5 Model ST320413A 20 G Med Rent
Seagate Ultra ATA/100 8Mb 7200RPM Model Number ST3120026A-RK 120GB L. Truong
ST2007200 200
ST31600ACE U-Serie 160 gb Profiler13
Travelstar 5K160 160 LP2330
western 80
Western Digital WD1200 120GB Magnus Andersson
Western Digital WD1200BB 2MB cache IDE 120G
Western Digital WD800 80GB Katsogianos Giorgos
woxter 80 G
If HDAdvance stops at the splash screen for you, then it is due to this conflict mentioned above. In order to tackle this you will either need to purchase a new harddisk or network adapter.
Compatibility Menu
Normally, over 95% of games work with HDAdvance without flaw when running from your hard disk drive. Some of the games require compatibility modes enabled before they will work properly with HDAdvance. In order to enable one or more compatibility modes for a game, have the game selected in the game list and press SELECT on your controller. This will bring up the compatibility settings menu. From here you can individually enable or disable each of the three compatibility modes.
Slow harddisk access: As known as Mode1 for HDAdvance 2.0. Enable slower harddisk access. Passes data from the harddisk slower for games that rely on the speed the data is coming from the CDVD.
Disable DVD9 support: As known as Mode2 for HDAdvance 2.0. This this use to enable/disable the DVD9 games supports.
Kill HAD after launch: As known as Mode3 for HDAdvance 2.0. Remove the Loader from the memory after the game is patched. Some games flush the location where the loader is (because some cheat programs use the same location), and if after that the game resets the IOP (when the loader kicks in to patch stuff) and the system is still patched to enter the loader it crashes.
Date/timefix 2: This option is use to fix those games with Date/Time error when playing with HDAdvance.
Date/timefix 3: This option is use to fix those games with Date/Time error when playing with HDAdvance.
Disable network support: Some games has network supports for online playing and may having trouble when loading with HDAdvancec, this option is use to disable network support of the game
Disable UAB patch: Enable/Disable if you having problem to start games from HDAdvance.
Soul Calibur2: Enable supports for ?Soul Calibur2?
The information of the table below is shared/provided by the HDAdvance users. If you want to share your experience/tips, such as, compatibility mode of a particular game, of using HDAdvance, CLICK HERE
Game Title Mode to enable
mode to enable
USA PAL JPN Provided by
2002 Fifa World Cup Korea Japan need your comment supported _ _ _
2002 Winter need your comment supported _ _ _
24 the game No need to enable need your comment _ ok _ Chris R
25 To Life MODE3 need your comment _ _ _ Clifton D Keck Sr. & Patrica Erskine
25 TO LIFE MODE3 need your comment ok _ _
50 Cent Bulletproof No need to enable need your comment _ ok _ Neal
Ace Combat - Squadron Leader No need to enable need your comment _ ok _ Enrico Rapacioli
Ace Combat 4 - Shattered Skies MODE1 _ _ _ E. Leska
Ace Combat 5 No need to enable ok _ _
Ace combat 5 MODE3 _ _ _ Erbluv
Ace Combat Squadron Leader need your comment supported _ ok _ Cristian - Novasoft Soluciones Integrales S.L.
Ace combat squadron leader PAL No need to enable need your comment _ _ _ michael
Ace Combat Zero The Belkin War No need to enable need your comment ok _ _ shawn
Advenbure Of Tokyo Disney SEA need your comment supported _ _ _
Aeon Flux need your comment supported _ ok _
Aeon Flux need your comment supported _ ok _
Aera-51 No need to enable need your comment _ ok _ Jerry Kreider Jr.
After Burner need your comment supported _ _ _
Agent Under Fire 007 No need to enable need your comment ok _ _
Agent Under Fire 007 need your comment supported _ _ _
Aggressive Inline need your comment supported _ _ _
Air Ranger 2 need your comment supported _ _ _
Alien Hominid No need to enable need your comment ok _ _ Matt
All-Star Baseball MODE3 _ _ _
Alpine Racer 3 need your comment supported _ _ _
Altered Beast No need to enable need your comment _ ok _ Sotiris
Altered Beast need your comment need your comment _ ok _ Sotiris
Amplitude MODE1 MODE3 need your comment _ _ _ Patrick Losco
Amplitude not supported _ _ _
and theft auto liberty city need your comment need your comment _ ok _ marc howard"
Arc The Lad need your comment supported _ _ _
Arc the Lad Twilight of Spirits No need to enable need your comment ok _ _ j-ro24
AREA 51 MODE3 No need to enable need your comment ok ok _ Tauheedul Ali
Arm Ored Core 3 need your comment supported _ _ _
Armored Core Silent Line need your comment supported _ ok _
Atenas 2004 MODE2 need your comment _ _ _ João Guerreiro
Athens 2004 No need to enable need your comment _ ok _ Samath
Athens 2004 MODE2 _ ok _ osinus
ATV Offroad Fury 2 MODE1 _ _ _ M. Somer
ATV Offroad Fury 3 MODE3 _ _ _ Tequila
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 not supported _ _ _
Backyard Wrestling 2 need your comment supported ok _ _ Sonny Nguyen
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance need your comment need your comment ok _ _
Baldur?s Gate Dark Alliance 2 need your comment need your comment _ _ ok Sotiris
Bass Strike need your comment supported _ _ _
Batman Begins MODE3 need your comment ok _ _ Bo Luu
Beats Of Rage need your comment supported _ _ _
Beyond Good & Evil No need to enable need your comment ok _ _
Beyond Good And Evil need your comment supported ok _ _ Karim Benyahia
Beyond Good And Evil No need to enable need your comment _ _ ok Sotiris
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DNAS Compatibility:
DNAS (Dynamic Network Authentication System) is an authentication system used in all recent online capable PS2 game titles. It is used for a number of things - for example, checking if you are using a backup of a game or a modchip. In this case the check takes place when you go online with the game. If a backup or modchip is detected then DNAS authentication will fail and you will not be able to play the game online. You cannot go online with a DNAS enabled game unless the DNAS authentication is successful. When HDAdvance is used to play a DNAS enabled game, any attempt to go online will be unsuccessful as the DNAS authentication will FAIL. There is currently no way around this, other than to use your original game disc to play the game online.
IMPORTANT: HDAdvance is NOT compatible with the following Japanese PS2 models: SCPH 10000, SCPH 15000, SCPH 18000 and SCPH-7XXXX PSTwo slim series.
Some criteria must be fulfilled before running the following games with HDAdvance:
? Singstar: it wont work if you start it up with the Microphones plugged in, instead start up the game without the USB adaptor connected and when you see the screen telling you it is not connected, just plug it in and it will play perfectly.