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?Demo/AR2? or ?Demo/GS? Disk Swap Tutorial
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8. March 2007 @ 08:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey people I got this off the internet do you think it will work thanks for looking:

?Demo/AR2? or ?Demo/GS? Disk Swap Tutorial

For all of you who are wondering what this is, it?s a way of booting a copied AR2 or a GS. So in other words you still need the Dongle that comes with the AR2 or GS to us this, now your going to say what?s the point of this then??? Well ok for all of you wanting to play a DVD-R and cant because you don?t have a AR2 1.7, 1.7* 1.9 or 1.9* or a GS 1.9 or GS 1.9* lets make our own and boot it with the demo CD that you have and your dongle from your older Version AR2 or GS.

Tools Needed

(Freeware and a very nice Program with many Uses)

Sony CD/DVD Generator
(No link for this one as it?s a Sony Copyrighted Program and is illegal to share on the net, just go onto mIRC and jump on Efnet and ask around for it in any of the following channels #ps2. #ps2 #ps2now #ps2rels )

(Demo Only and don?t ask for a crack for this as I do not know where to get one and I am against Piracy, I only do this for educational use and you should to)

(Again no link for this one as it?s a Sony Copyrighted Program and is illegal to share on the net, just go onto mIRC and jump on Efnet and ask around for it in any of the following channels #ps2. #ps2 #ps2now #ps2rels )

That?s it boys and girls for the tools now on to the work

Step 1.

Ok first off all you need a Demo CD

Throw it in your CD or DVD drive on your pc. ?Oh for those who don?t know what a CD looks like there is a picture of one Below? =)
Then open up ISOBUSTER and make it look at your CD or DVD drive that contains the Demo CD
Now the picture below will show you the files that are needed from the demo CD

HERE is a Picture of a CD for you people that don?t know what one looks like =)

Ok now This is ISOBUSTER the use of this nice little program is to rip the files we need from the AR2/GS and the DEMO CD to make our boot disk.

At the moment it has the Demo CD ?PBPX_95205? files showing. That?s the number/name of the Demo CD each Game or Demo what ever CD has a diff one,
?Here is a Close up picture below to show how we find out what CD we have?

Ok here are the following files and Directory?s you need from your demo CD

The Directory SCEE_DD and all of its contents

Oh one thing before you copy these files you should make a Directory where all of these files are going to go in like C:\1 and then have dir within that which have small names because of ?ILM2ISO? its got a problem because of long directory names and DOS so don?t put all of the files and directory?s on your desktop.

Ok here is how you extract your files and directory with ISOBUSTER onto your Hard Disk Select the file PBPX?. And the SCEE? directory right click and go to Extract Objects and then a window will open called Browse For Folder then go to your folder you created to put all these files in eg: C:\1 select it and then is OK, then all the files and Directory will begin transferring to your Hard Disk, once this is done your DEMO CD is no longer needed until we have created the DEMO/AR or DEMO/GS Boot Disk and are ready for swapping.

Pictures of the method just explained in the above set of instructions are below in order.

Select the file PBPX?. And the SCEE? directory right click and go to Extract Objects

Then a window will open called Browse For Folder then go to your folder you created to put all these files in eg: C:\1 select it and then is OK,

Then all the files and Directory will begin transferring to your Hard Disk

PBPX_95205 transferring

SCEE_DD directory transferring

Ok once done remove the DEMO CD from your CD or DVD Drive in your PC

Step 2.

Stop for 5min and have a smoke, drink, some food or even a Wank (My Preference)

Was going to add a PornO here but then this couldn?t be Distributed so your going to have to find your own way of having a toss. Im sure u got some =) .

Step 3.

Ok now we need the files from the Action replay 2 or Game shark, ok now im going to use the AR2 1.7 CD1 Image and then after the GS1.9 CD1 Image first we will do the AR2. =)

This will also have Pictures with info on each step taken on the next few pages

Ok now get your AR2 1.7 image and open it with ISOBUSTER it will look something like this? no actually it will look like this if it doesn?t u got the wrong AR2 Image.

Ok now you need every file here so now go and make a directory something like this C:\2 , now when you have made the directory select all the files and again go to Extract Objects, once you have done that the Browse For Folder window will pop up again, go to C:\ and then to the folder C:\2 or just 2 what ever same thing ok then select the folder and hit ok it will begin to transfer the files to the hard disk. As it is transferring the files you will get a error it will say something like UNREADABLE SECTOR click on Ignore all and then hit the button Ignore and it will continue, that is some kind of gay protection or something I dunno =\ hmmm well it?s a good one easy to get around unlike there new protection Scheme like on the AR2 1.92 GRRR still haven?t been able to do that one as a DEMO/AR2 swap but? will and will follow in the tutorial. Ok now we have got all the files needed to make our DEMO/AR2 BOOT CD but we still need the AR2 image because we need the LBA Positions, the demo LBA I will just tell u but this one I wont so you can sorta see what to do in case u want to make your own after of a different Version of the AR2 and cant get it to work because of the LBA?s of the Files are wrong so this will give you a idea of what to do.

To get the LBA in a text go to the side bar and right click on ACTIONREPLAY then go to Copy Tree Info to File and then the Browse For Folder window will pop up just put it in one of the folders in C:\ either 1 or 2 doesn?t matter and then hit OK. This will copy the LBA info for later.

Now here are the instructions again but with pictures just like the Demo CD before.

Select all the files and again go to Extract Objects,

Browse For Folder window will pop up again, go to C:\ and then to the folder 2 then select the folder and hit OK

You will get an error it will say something like UNREADABLE SECTOR

Click on Ignore All and then hit the button Ignore and it will continue

Right click on ACTIONREPLAY then go to Copy Tree Info to File

Browse For Folder window will pop up just put it in one of the folders in C:\ either 1 or 2 doesn?t matter. And then hit OK

End of the AR2 File Extraction next Part now =} half way there =} hmmm so now just close ISOBUSTER as we don?t need it anymore and lets get on to STEP 4.

Step 4.

Ok now we are going to use Sony CD/DVD Generator here is a Picture of what it looks like. We will use this to make the Image of the CD that contains the DEMO/AR2 files.

Ok here we go First off we need to select Create New Project so select that on Sony CD\DVD Gen and hit OK then select CD-ROM Master Disk and hit OK, then u get to the Program its self go to the VOLUME Tab, once you have done that go to the Licence Area and select Europe then go to the Disk Name and Put in the name/number what ever u call it of your DEMO CD, NOT your AR2 name/number. In Disk Name at the moment we have PBPX 95205 it?s because I have that Demo CD and that?s what we are going to use to swap it so it has to have the name of the DEMO CD to work. Anyways once you have done that go back to the Directory Tab and we will begin to add the files. Ok now I will show you in Pictures so u people know what to do, then will continue with the next part. These picture steps are all in order.

Here we go !!!

Select Create New Project and hit OK

Select CD-ROM Master Disk and hit OK

Then u get to the Program its self go to the VOLUME Tab, once you have done that go to the Licence Area and select Europe then go to the Disk Name and Put in the name/number what ever u call it of your DEMO CD, NOT your AR2 name/number. In Disk Name at the moment we have PBPX 95205 it?s because I have that Demo CD and that?s what we are going to use to swap it so it has to have the name of the DEMO CD to work.

The rest just leave blank not needed to be filled in so its all good =}

Ok back to the next part

Once you have done that go back to the Directory Tab and we will begin to add the files

Back in the Directory tab

Now we have to add 3 Directories called SCEE_DD, FIFADEMO & GFX to do so go to Edit and then Create Directory do that for all the directories, then add in the following files into the Home Directory By Drag and Dropping files from the C:\1 and C:\2 directories


PBPX_952.05 LBA @ 65


PBPX_952.05 LBA @ 65
SLES_500.09 LBA @ 12232
BIG.DAT LBA @ 13958

Ok so it should look something like this now

Ok now to the SCEE_DD directory click on it on the left side where root is so it opens into it and has an empty directory, now start to drag the files from the C:\1 dir where we extracted SCEE_DD to before and drop them into the SCEE_DD folder in Sony CD\DVD Gen in this order. Ok the LBA doesn?t matter at all here so don?t worry about looking at its LBA.


Ok now it will look something like this


We go on to the FIFADEMO Directory

Ok now here we go! This is a bit more difficult but not 2 hard ok now we need to add the AR2 files in here and rename some files ok now what we do first if we go into C:\2 where all our AR2 files are and we have to copy the file SLES_500.09 because its still needed with its original name so yeah copy it and rename it to GAMEZ.ELF

Then when your done doing that you need to copy these file into the FIFADEMO Directory in this Order. You get them from the C:\2 Directory and the C:\2\GFX Directory on your Hard Disk


Ok again here it should look something like this =}

Ok now onto the last Directory GFX but don?t think its over yet!!! There is still the LBA?s to set into the correct place.

Ok WOW! Hmmm this has wasted my Whole day but I guess it?s my fault for being stupid enoph to Del my whole my Documents along with the other Tutorial. Hmmm ok now go to the GFX Folder in Sony CD\DVD Gen so you have a flank Directory so you can start to put the files in, ok now go to the directory on your Hard Disk C:\2\GFX the one with the files from the AR2 image. Ok now drag and drop all of these files in the following order into the GFX Directory in Sony CD\DVD Rom Gen from the GFX Folder on your Hard Disk.


The LBS?s don?t matter here either so its all good.

Ok?now is should look something like this =)

Ok now that were all done with the Files and adding blah blah =} we shall fix up all the LBA?s on the IMPORTANT FILES!!! Ok?. so if you can?t remember the LBA?s Positions Look back in this Tutorial their all there.

Ok now go to the Layout Tab on Sony CD\DVD Gen it will look exactly like this if u have followed my exact instructions =}

Wasting the Space to the next page with the Diagram so the tutorial doesn?t look lame ?but hey I guess to late HEY!! =}

ok there it will look exactly like that now you need to edit the LBA?s on some of these files the ones listed below

These are In the ROOT Directory

PBPX_952.05 LBA @ 65
SLES_500.09 LBA @ 12232
BIG.DAT LBA @ 13958

Here is a Picture of where they are located if you cant see them

ok now to put them all in the correct LBA Positions you need to Right click on each file that needs to be set and go to LOCATION.

Here look

Ok then it will open this up

put the LBA of the file you done this to in where the old LBA is this file being PBPX_952.05 with the LBA of 65

it will look like this

See the LBA on that file has now been changed to the correct LBA the reason we are doing this is because when we cog swap this finished disk with the Demo Disk it will look at the LBA of that file and allow you to continue with the swap thinking nothing has been changed or nothing happened. For those of you who wanted to know why the LBA?s had to be changed =}

Ok now continue to do this to every file that the LBA is required to be Changed until it is all correct and looks like this.

We only needed to adjust 3 files to get all of those other files in the correct order

Here is the Picture of how it?s looking now

Ok were all ready to go all we need to do now is use IML2ISO to make the ISO IMAGE and then burn it using CDR-WIN and Test it with our DEMO CD and Our COG SWAP

Ok now we need to make the IML file that will give the program IML2ISO the instructions on how to put the ISO together correctly, so go to File?.Export iml File? and then like save it to the c:\ and call it what ever you like Eg: boot.iml and hit save.

Here are the instructions again in Pictures and text.

Go to File?.Export iml File

Then like save it to the c:\ and call it what ever you like Eg: boot.iml and hit save.

Now go to MS-Dos Prompt Window

And go to C:\ so your in the same Directory as the boot.iml file ok now you have to put iml2iso.exe in the C:\ so drag it in there once you have done that type this command in MSDOS

iml2iso boot.iml boot.iso

Now hit enter, its now making the ISO for you to burn this wont take very long so just hold up

What it does it uses the program reads the file boot.iml and makes the iso with all the files in the correct positions etc ready for burning.

ok it looks like this depends on the Ver of windows you have

after you hit enter

its just making the ISO

Finished making the ISO and its all ready to burn =} the iso and the iml are in the c:\ directory now so when u go to burn them remember to go there when your in CDRWIN

So now open up CDRWIN and Follow these steps

Then the Boot Method

You put in the demo, wait until its loaded
2. Then it says hit x 2 go into FIFA
3. You go into it, a menu before the game with the controller settings
4. Then you cog swap the demo CD with the modified DEMO/AR2 image CD.
5. Then hit x and WALA! it will boot into AR2 allowing you to do what ever you like =}

And your all done


I will soon be doing other Spoon Fed Tutorials on how 2 make an Xtream FM/Demo CD so you don?t have 2 even pay to boot your copies and it works 100% with games Except with EA games but there easily Patched =}

As the Xtream FM doesn?t even need the dongle but still allows you to boot into it and allows you to swap your copies by just hitting eject.

So hey no longer need to pay for the AR2 or a Mod chip =}

Just a Demo CD and 1 of these Modified demo CDs and you have free way of playing your Pirated PS2 CDs. But I do not encourage Piracy this is only for educational use =}

(In no particular order)

All the groups releasing quality games

Def3D, UKPerson, VGM, Mookdog, angeldog, Hawat, [Yamaha], SniperKilla, CyDoNiA, Stryder_H ZeroBlade, Butcher, cYklOn3, gi1, Kilty, Raptor, zeroprobe, DjSKiBbLe, Potrod, [nikeboy], Morganator, neo_man, SGT|DAN, Ralz, AgentSmith, Zeggi, m0sDee & Cr4zi3: basically all the peeps over in #ps2talk.

If I forgot ya, sorry

Tutorial By

IKA / IKICKASS / []IKA[] home of the Neo? Modchip Do I need to say anymore? ?.err what do u think? kick ass site with all the PSX,PS2,DC and other tools you need the reason I made this Tutorial is 4 all the guys there =} wanna get Flamed? Go there =} > forums > general discussion > user submitted guides > ?demo/ar2? or ?demo/gs? disk swap tutorial

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