I'm trying to back up some games but im having a problem getting the burning process to work. so let me just run by everyone here what im trying to do, and how im doing it. and maybe you can critique me.
Ok, im using an external burner, the DRX-530UL SONY external DVD+R/RW burner. Im using Memorex DVD+R 8x, 4.7, Lightscribe DVD's. With IMG BURN, i burn the iso onto the the disc (the procedure is right, thanks to many amazing guides on afterdawn) and when i check the disc, it has been burnt, so its not necessarily a problem with the burning procedure. And then when i go to play it on my PS2 with a fliptop and swap magic 3.8, it just continually tries to read the disc, and eventually just puts me to the memory card screen and claims "No Data Found" (or something like that)
So can someone give me some advice? or a hand? if what i've read is true, you cant booktype with Sony burners. But does that mean i automatically cant back up my games?
you know wat will fix your problem?
throwing memorex dvds out the window.go get some real stuff thats made in japan.dont get that crap from taiwan unless its verbatim.i suggest:taiyo yuden,verbatim,sony DVD+R 8x(because they are made by taiyo yuden),maxell.REMEMBER that sony and maxell have products made in both taiwan and japan so make sure the one you buy is made in japan.