dvd2one v1.3.0 key
Suspended permanently
8. September 2003 @ 20:50 |
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hello, i really need the key, crack, whatever you wanna call it, for dvd2one v1.3.0 so if anyone knows where i can get it let me know please! i've already checked kazaa, and used several search engines. thank you!
I hate titles
35 product reviews
9. September 2003 @ 02:11 |
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I know what you really, really need..
Account closed as per user's own request
14. September 2003 @ 19:58 |
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gald to see you dont put up with that kinda crap around here.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. September 2003 @ 19:59
Suspended permanently
13. October 2003 @ 07:31 |
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I have found the cracked version of dvd2one v 1.3.0 just give me your e-mail adress so i can send it to you
e-mail: *removed-by-admin*
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. October 2003 @ 07:34
I hate titles
35 product reviews
13. October 2003 @ 07:35 |
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Stupidity should be painful.
3 product reviews
13. October 2003 @ 07:43 |
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Stupidity knows no bounds !! : )
1 product review
13. October 2003 @ 15:13 |
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Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!!
AfterDawn Addict
14. October 2003 @ 00:11 |
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Im getting disappointed with the lack of more inovation from you dRD when banning people. I remember the 'I want you to f*ck off' picture that would be posted. Is it just kept for special occasions? :-D Will i get it some day :-D :-D
I hate titles
35 product reviews
14. October 2003 @ 03:03 |
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O: It's really preserved for guys who try to achieve new levels of stupidity in order to get banned, not just casual morons who just ignore very basic rules :-)
AfterDawn Addict
14. October 2003 @ 08:12 |
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lol - yeah - was kidding about the disappointed comment. Was just remembering a mod before getting annoyed with a comment i made when it was intended as a joke, but i guess you got the joke part of it, but you can be too sure. Especailly if the boss was to think you were slagging him lol :D :D
Junior Member
23. October 2003 @ 15:43 |
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s'cuse me boss - at the risk of being exiled to oblivion like Mr blguitar (yes I agree he was stupid) but I am interested in the difference between pirated software and pirated dvd's.
Seems a little ambiguos :-)
I hate titles
35 product reviews
23. October 2003 @ 15:53 |
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Does anyone ask here you to send them movie copies via email/snail-mail/FTP?
We have info on how to backup movies -- sure, you can use this info to make illegal copies as well, but that's your choice. But asking a serial doesn't really have any legal uses whatsoever.
Please understand the fact that most of the world's countries, except U.S. and couple of other countries, still allow copying even rented DVDs to your own personal use legally. Most of the European countries do this -- and in Finland, where AfterDawn is based, it is perfectly legal to make copy of a copy for personal use and you don't have to own the original or even the copy you're copying the movie/audio CD/etc from. But it is illegal to copy software.. Go figure :-)
AfterDawn Addict
23. October 2003 @ 16:15 |
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Yeah, it is strange. On another point. Remember the conversation we had ages ago dRD about when Finland was going to introduce that law about no De-CSS software. Any news on that?
I hate titles
35 product reviews
23. October 2003 @ 16:28 |
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Oriphus: The EUCD will come to all EU countries, but Finland hasn't implemented it yet. No news on schedule yet, but assumption is that it will come in beginning of 2004. Germany did their own implementation already and it has had its effects in Germany already.
Junior Member
23. October 2003 @ 16:39 |
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"Please understand the fact that most of the world's countries, except U.S. and couple of other countries, still allow copying even rented DVDs to your own personal use legally."
Oh I wasnt aware of that, very interesting - now I understand - Ta.
Knowing my luck I spose Australia is one of those couple of others ? Ha
AfterDawn Addict
24. October 2003 @ 04:54 |
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Have you any plans for Afterdawn and a way round it (obviously i dont expect you to tell us) so that you can continue to supply the DeCSS software or will it be a case of me emailing it to all the new users lol.