Hello I just bought swap magic 3.6 in hopes of playing a backup of my favourite game, harvest moon. However when I use the slide card and swap magic the game doesn't load, I just get a black screen. I have version 1 of the PS2 console and I read somewhere that this version does not read dvd+r/dvd-r/dvd-rw, even with swap magic. Is this true?. I burnt the dvdloader/cdloader onto a DVD+R and tried it with swap magic and the menu screen for the dvdloader/cdloader came up making me doubt that ps2 version 1's cannot read burnt dvd's.
this is what I did. BTW the game is a dvd not a cd and the game has been tested to be compatible with swap magic, at least from what i've read on the forum.
1.burnt a copy of the game to a sony DVD+R using dvd dycrypter
2.I inserted the swap magic dvd and waited for the load screen
3.used the slide card and pulled out the tray
4.put in the burnt game and closed the tray
5.slide the pin to the left
6.pressed x and it was just a black screen
I also tried it with a backup of god of war and it was the same thing. Please help me
hi. i can help you out. you said you burned it to a DVD+R from sony right?
try burning it to a DVD-R because iv got swap magic it can only play backups/impotrs from DVD-R + CD-R
ps it dont matter which kame it is just an ordinary DVD-R if it dont work please reply.
hi. i can help you out. you said you burned it to a DVD+R right?
try burning it to a DVD-R because iv got swap magic it can only play backups/imports from DVD-R + CD-R
ps it dont matter which make it is just an ordinary DVD-R if it dont work please reply.
and i dont think it matters what ps2 version you have.