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Graphic errors when burning some psx 1 downloaded games
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17. April 2007 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
(admin sorry for the dubble post..i think this theread will help me more)

I have a really strange problem....REALLY STRANGE....
I just bought a modded psx1 (slimmed) and burned ps2 winisos with Alcohol 120% (vista version) without any problem....

Now when i burn some psx1 downloaded (bin+iso or img+iso) some of them shows really strange graphic errors....

The strange thing is that games are playable...but graphics are wrong or strange...


When i burn Vandal Hearts 2 the game can be played...but there are some blinking squares that shows in some parts in the map...and it is not a bug made by Konami....(i searched all over the net in forums)

I burned Vandal Hearts 1 just like Vandal Hearts 2 and played it without a singe graphic the end....

Final Fantasy Tactics shows a strange line in the begginging in the menu where you need to choose your birthday...the line cuts trugh the lower text...and some of it is hard to read.... =S
(other than that it seems fine in game)

Tactics ogre....when loading screen shows up...the running guy in the right lower corner looks cutted up and really messed ut...his half body is apart from the legs =S

The strange thing is that when i test the same game files that i burned in the emulator PSX v1.11 it is all normal...but my ps2 shows this graphic errors/glitches....

What can be wrong??? I burn at lowest speed possible in Alcohol 120% --> x8 and i burn cue -files (even iso's cant read sound for if you dont create a cue-file) My chip name i "gold" in the end...don't remeber the whole name.....

(I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THESE GAMES ON MY PC IN EMULATOR CUZ THE GRAPHICS ARE BAD IN VISTA...SQUARES ARE BIGGER) i really need help with any tip that you can give me...PLEASSSSEEEEE....i am desperate...

AND i have downloaded different file size of these games and all show same graphic errors....(when i open Final Fantasy Tactics (cue) with Alcohol 120% the file is empty (emulated cd-rom) but other games show files in the emulated cd-rom by Alcohol 120%)

My theory is if there is some copy protection then the games wouldn't even be playable on my modded ps2...right?? something is really strange here and i cant figure it out...


(I have even tried to apply copy protection + fix for vandal hearts 2 --> it was patched correct by the program but...i burned it with Alcohol 120% and it wont even start...freezes at playstation 1 logo)
Senior Member
17. April 2007 @ 22:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You know, there's a possibility that the games you've gotten, the pixelated stuff came with it because the data from which the game was extracted was ruined since the source -- the game disc -- might be messed up? Reminds me of why my FF7 game disc and back ups of FF7 were similar, although, someone probably has better luck salvaging theirs and got theirs' to work shurgs. There could be another reason, but I'll let someone help you on that; and besides, did you try anything else other then your downloaded games...?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. April 2007 @ 22:30

21. April 2007 @ 15:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no...i did not try any other than downloaded games....cuz these games can't be buyed anymore.....i would pruiciate any help i can get....rally

the funny thing is that...when i tryied the same cd (vandal hearts 2) on my friends "old gray box" playstation the game worked perfectly....and on my slimmed ps2 with (duo 3 gold...i think)...the damn graphic errors again...there are some blinkering squares that shows up all over the map.....

bur other downloaded and burned games like vandal hearts 1, suikoden 1 and 2, dino crisis 1 & 2, front misssion 3 works like a graphic errors at all..

well i am waiting at any tip that can help me...and i would be grateful for any help that culd be offered......(by the way...i have windows visa home premium...) if that even matters??
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22. April 2007 @ 02:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ahh you know, the funny thing is, if you want to play backed-up games you made on CDs or old PSX games, the slim PS2 is simply horrible to do it on to tell you the truth. You're better off on the old fatties if you can find them because the slim PS2's laser is very picky, which is a guaranteed. It can't read such original games I have like my PSX Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, PS2 Marvel Vs Capcom, and PS2 RTK7 game yet it can read my PSX Final Fantasy 8 well enough. shrugs I can do a list of comparisons but truthfully, imho, the slim is the most horrid out of the two PS2s (3 if you include the black slim but both slims are weird...) in backward capability reading for old PSX games. Btw, all games I listed as examples were immaculate in condition unlike my FF7, FF8, and Saga Frontier 2 games, all originals mind you, were pretty messed up with scratches back from when I was using the old big PSX, not the portable one.

Btw dude, you're just cheap for FFT, laughs. I mean come on... it's like around the high 50s at most for a brand new one and a use one you can get it for 30 dollars. If you were playing Suikoden 2 or Valkyrie Profile, I can understand that, but with the value of FFT as it is, I beg to differ how it's hard to find... unless you don't have an ebay acct or whatever then I can understand. You're basically paying 50 bucks for when the game was first released... not the high 100s where Suikoden 2 and Valkyrie Profile games are asking for unless VP went down, then I don't know. Well, if you're not in the U.S. though, then my bad for making a bad assumption, sorry. But in all seriousness, FFT is worth it. Get it!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. April 2007 @ 02:51

24. April 2007 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok...i see the picture...thx for the tip...i taught that slimmed ps2 wouldn't be soo horrible in reading psx1 games....i taught it was only slimmer but with same functions....

But your explanation makes it more sense (about the laser)...well the problem is that i live in Sweden and there are old games like vandal harts 2 for example are very expensive ---> 70 dollars (transalated from 700 swedish kronors) and not mention final fantasy costs also something like 70 bucks....(if you can even find them...these are hard to find)

But if i already have copies of these games (downloaded) then it is unecessary to buy originals for that kind of money....i can play FFT on psx 1.11 but the graphics are lite uglyer then on real ps1 or 2...

It think it is strange that slimmed ps2 with a modchip can't get graphics right (or laser)....even if i would like to buy the old modded ps1 it is very rare and hard to find in Sweden....i wounder if there is some kind of solution?? To fix settings for laser speed in slimmed ps2 or something??

Well if this problem can't be solved i am tankful for any advise ive got from you....
7. May 2007 @ 14:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i kind of have the same problem as the guy above. i had scarface the game on my ps2 and it was working for a while. however one day i turned it on to play and all of a sudden the screen is goin up and down. the game is still running and u can hear all the noise but its impossible to play cuz of the screen. Other games worked most of the time, but now when i get a game for the HD some of them have that same problem. The screen jus keeps movin up and down wit weird lines. anyone had this problem and kno how to fix it?????
11. May 2007 @ 15:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user problem seemed to bee solved.....i was warranty was still the guy changed ---> motherboard <--- of my ps2 (slimmed)....the games run perfectly by now....vandal hearts 2 shows no graphic other game too......but who might weel get fucked up by some reason...that is just my luck.....but for now it is ok.....lets just pray to lord that it will hold....

So if anyone might accour graphic errors in slimmed ps2 it might be the problem with motherboard (it is not the laser or chip) cuz if these die then nothing will be shown

I talked to an far frend of mine who knows a little about microtechniks....and he suspected that someone was placing the chip little wrong (the small legs of chip might been twisted uncomfortably) games will still play but some will show graphic errors.....

So the conclusion is....change your motherboard of ps2 if you see graphic errors....

(by the way...i don't know how ps2 works with hd-tv might be an good ide to try the old fashion fat tv...if you have one at home...or at some friends home)---> just a tip to the guy above

we in Sweeden do not allways have the latest hi-tech =) ....
i have the old fatty tv and it still works like a charm....the damn thing is at least 12 years old....hehe > forums > consoles > ps2 - cd backup discussion > graphic errors when burning some psx 1 downloaded games

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