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automated process script for ripping dvd & playback
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17. April 2007 @ 17:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok so I have read a lot of articles but I have yet to find the an answer, a direct one.
I have a HTPC and I want to copy all my DVD titles to HDD, I have Nero 7, AnyDVD, Intervideo CopyDVD5 and all the other tools listed on all the sites. My goal is to have a foot print of no more than 2gig per movie and retain the DTS/THX/5.1 Dolby audio. 90% of my movies are in English with no subtitles. My question is which tool is best for the ripping and which one to get it down to the size I want. I also need a recommendation on which player/tool is best to play back the movies in MCE 2005.
I have been playing around with this for about a month now and have not had great success, can anyone help me please with the proper settings etc?
AfterDawn Addict
18. April 2007 @ 05:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My goal is to have a foot print of no more than 2gig per movie and retain the DTS/THX/5.1 Dolby audio

that's a very low grade quality of a movie! and you want to burn it to the hard drive? how many movies do you want on your hard drive? Most transcoders/encoders will fit to a DVD5 (single sided blank DVD) which will make your movies 3.73GB or less depending on the size of the original movie. You can set Nero to custome the output to a smaller footprint but do you want to have that? Quality will suffer a lot! And you are viewing on computer? You can use PowerDVD, Windows Meida Classic, and others to view the movies from your hard drive. I use RipIt4Me to rip to Hard drive (but it's not being distributed or updated anymore..... still good till newer encryptions make it obsolete). So when RipIt4Me dies out.... then I'll go to DVDFab Decrypter..... which is always updated (until the man shuts them down..... hopefully that won't happen anytime soon because they are on an island somewhere and don't have to adhere to all the laws and such!----I think! LOL). Anyway..... good luck with your project. Oh..... you can also get DVDFab Platinum that would be able to rip and burn to your hard drive and you can set it to your 2GB foot print...

As a matter of fact I think I'll try to do that and see how bad the quality comes out for you! just for Sh_ts and giggles! what the hay! right? LOL
AfterDawn Addict
18. April 2007 @ 06:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok...... just did Lord Of the Rings, The Fellowship..... good test model..... it's a 3 hour movie! I adjusted DVDFab Platinum to only do a small footprint of 2GBs (turned out to be a 57% reduction!) and the quality came out like crap! I guess a 2 hour movie will be a little better but I don't expect much better results. I suggest you go to 3GBs per movie for any kind of improvement in quality ... even if you're just watching the movie on a computer monitor! I think the way you are going about it is not quite right. If I wanted all my DVDs on my Hard Drive then I would still burn to a DVD5! this way when I am running out of room.... just burn it to a DVD and erase the movie from the hard drive! Good luck with your project. And welcome to AfterDawn.
18. April 2007 @ 17:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
iHoe thank you so much for the imput, I think you are very right. I am doing my research as I am going to invest in two Terrabyte set-ups to be redundant. I want to store all my movies so I can just pick and play on a 56" DLP. I need the 3-4gig quality level unfortuatley. thanks for the help and advice!
AfterDawn Addict
18. April 2007 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yw......... by burning all your DVDs to fit DVD5s then you will pretty much keep the quality high and you could always burn to a disk! good luck. happy ripping and happy burning! > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > automated process script for ripping dvd & playback

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