I don't know if this has been asked or suggested in the past. I tried searching for an answer before I typed this, but the number of hits would take me all day (literally) to read through. So here it is. Is there a standard way of identifing threads that have had their question successfully answered without the mods having to read through each one individually to close it. This thread for example: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/497566 This person asked a question and after receiving a suggestion, was able to work it out. Therefore, the thread could be closed.
In other words, is there a system in place besides "reporting an offensive post" that identifies threads that could be closed and therefore help reduce the clutter in the sections. Maybe like a flagging system or something.
I'm not "trying to play moderator", but it would seem that somesort of system would help the mods workload by not having to read through each and every thread. If I have overstepped my boundaries, my apologies.
Sorry if this seems confusing. Trust me, it sounded better in my head, but was "lost in translation" between there and my fingers.
that would just create more threads with similar questions later on. generally, if someone has a problem, they try to find a related thread. if that solution doesn't work, it's better to ask on that old thread than start a new one, as the people who helped before will be notified (unless they have turned off their e-mail notification) that someone with a similar issue needs help.
Quote:In other words, is there a system in place besides "reporting an offensive post" that identifies threads that could be closed and therefore help reduce the clutter in the sections. Maybe like a flagging system or something.
I'm not "trying to play moderator", but it would seem that somesort of system would help the mods workload by not having to read through each and every thread.
This sort of system would still have to be moderated in some shape or form, as your average joe poster is hardly qualified to decide if a thread has been answered sufficiently or not. That would create a lot of work for whoever has to do it.
Also, I am pretty sure aD has a policy regarding not clsing finished threads for just the reaosn Auslander stated.
I understand both of your positions. This has been a question I have had linger in the back of my mind for months...and after debating on whether it would be a stupid question/suggestion, I just finally decided to ask it. It was just an idea.
I always used to think it would be better to close threads when they're fulfilled their purpose, however i'm not quite sure what to say or think about it anymore. If there's too many similar threads i try to close them and leave a link to a bigger thread. However it's just a complete nightmare whether the threads are kept more manageable like that or whether numerous similar threads are allowed to stay open. It's not even that the problem can be blamed on this being such a popular site ie the sheer amount of never-ending traffic (posters), but it's more the fact that the majority of people who start threads have absolutely no concept of searching for themselves hence an obscene amount of threads that need not be started.
Basically i don't see an easy answer as no matter how many threads are controlled there's a never-ending stream of people :)
Case in point, i spent a few nights solely in one of the PSP forums, i closed literally 12 or so pages of duplicate/similar threads, took a lot of effort. It was worth it to see so many pages of 'closed' but literally each next day there were like half a dozen new pages (not half a dozen threads but pages and pages) of new threads. Admittedly that's because in the kiddie forums they have no concept of searching/posting correctly/etc but the adult forums can be just as bad. So i don't really have a solution or an answer other than hope the Admins give me a button that allows the hiding of entire forums O.o
In the linus forums when somebody has a solution which works the OP's usually have the decency themselves to add ** solved ** to the title.
I know there is little to no hope of that here, due to the mentality of the "I want it all spoonfed to me right now" crew, but I live in hope.
I did onece try to organise the xbox forums, with all the solved, mystery, and duplicate threads neatly listed.. but it was impossible with 200 a day about error 16-21 and modding frikkin halo arriving. I gave up.. but I can always start again when I have nothing better to do.
How about a modification to the rules to the effect of " If your question has been answered with a working solution please edit the title to include **solved**. Any threads left open ended will be deleted 14 days after the last post.
Then a few of us could prowl through and add a **solved ** post to the ones where the OP has said "thanks, that worked great" a **unknown** to the ones where we can't see it was solved (of course we would use some intelligence here seeing how never say thanks most OP's are.. If the final outcome seemed to suggest a working fix we could mark it so.. a **duplicate** for all the hundreds that are exactly the same, and a **prune** for the obviously pointless...
Just trying to help the mods out a bit, and making some sort of attempt towards tidyness.. After my experience trying to flag the xbox forums it seems like a plan which just may work.. Of course the auditors need to have shown a certain competency in the said areas.. and can have the post counter suspended temp while they take it on... unless they are addicts of course, then it makes no difference..
The flaggers need to be approved, nay appointed by the moderators so it isn't a free for all.. possibly a temp custom title.. something like "gardener" or maybe more appropriately "shepherd".. lol