i dont know what to do. i have an older ps2 and i want to play burnt games. btw im a newbie at all this. i dont know if i should get a hardrive installed (internal or external) or if i should get it modded, or if i swould get swapmagic coder? swapmagic sounds inconvenient.
ive heard that external hardrives are slow becuase of the usb ports on the ps2 which arnt v2.0 .
Ifyou are a cheap ass like me, swap magic will BE PERFECT!! You will need to buy a flip top to go with swap magic, but the install is extremely easy. The only prob is that you wont be able to play DVD9 backups, but there are enough guides out there to make up for that. I have used swap magic for over a year and has never let me down.
Of course the best choice is a modchip, but if you cant afford it swap magic is king!
the mod chips seem expensive and cost more than the console is worth and i heard they kill the console after 2 years. swapmagic in aus is not that popular and shops take advantage and charge alot. aslo the case isnt cheap