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My first problem disc ever to decrypt :( Help please....
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21. April 2007 @ 03:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So far I have been using dvd decryptor and then when that became obsolete for new films I was using dvdFab decryptor. All was ok using dvd Fab (freeware version) until I wanted to copy the Will Ferrel film Stranger Than Fiction and also the original french version of Three Men and a Baby. Both would not even start decrypting and dvdFab came up with a window asking me to send the info of that film to them for research. I then dloaded dvdFab Platinum timed demo to see if their full version with latest updates would decrypt it and it did and so did DVD Shrink with the remaining files! The only problem I then had was that every time it came to burn it there was a burn error and another Coaster! :( I'm confused as to weather Nero was at fault somehow or dvdFab Platinum didn't do its job properly with decrypting and leaving something that f*ct the burning stage up?
Thanks for reading and it would be great if you could shed any light on this for me..
Ps...I'm no expert with decrypting discs etc and have had an easy run so far. If it came to adjusting settings and stuff I have never been there nor needed to. Cheers :)
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21. April 2007 @ 04:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Being as you have already ripped the discs to your hdd, the hard part has been done. The problems you are experiencing are you're either burning way too fast and/or using low quality media. Burn the files again at 4X or 8X max speed. What brand of discs are you using?
AfterDawn Addict
21. April 2007 @ 05:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I then dloaded dvdFab Platinum timed demo to see if their full version with latest updates would decrypt it and it did and so did DVD Shrink with the remaining files! The only problem I then had was that every time it came to burn it there was a burn error and another Coaster! :( I'm confused as to weather Nero was at fault

I'm confused? why would you even use Shrink or Nero if you have DVDFab Platinum? DVDFab Platinum would do the whole job from decrypting to burning! why go through all the trouble to use Shrink and then Nero? All in all it should only take you about 15mins to read the disk and then about 8-15mins to burn the disk with DVDFab Platinum..... sometimes even faster times depending on the movie you are trying to copy.

And if it is always having a burn problem using Nero why not show us your Nero logs so we can see where it's gone wrong!?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. April 2007 @ 05:33

22. April 2007 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just tried to burn those films again using dvdfabplatinum for whole process and at 4x (which is the speed I always use). Guess what another Coaster!
The log on platinum shows...
/04/2007 11:41:49 info ******************** Report session started ********************

22/04/2007 11:58:36 info Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
22/04/2007 11:58:31 error Write error at 2203264 (16) - Code 05 21 00 [Illegal request, LBA out of range]
22/04/2007 11:58:30 warning at sector 2203264 (16) - recover sequence started
22/04/2007 11:58:30 warning Write error - Code 03 0C 00 [Write error] - Info 0 - CSI 0
22/04/2007 11:58:30 info Try #0 - duration 24888682 µs
22/04/2007 11:49:48 info Lead-in burning time (mS) 50382
22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Write started 2207920 sectors to write
22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Init success: DVD-R packet writing
22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Writing speed requested x8.0, effective x8.0
22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Available write speed: 8x, 6x, 4x, 2x
22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Media ID: FUJIFILM03
22/04/2007 11:48:58 info DMA Enabled
22/04/2007 11:48:57 info Scanned files #400, folder #2 - total size 4519858176 b. (4.21 Gb.)
22/04/2007 11:48:57 info Inserted media type : DVD-R
22/04/2007 11:48:57 info Write started
22/04/2007 11:48:53 info New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
22/04/2007 11:48:53 info Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
22/04/2007 11:48:53 info New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - SONY DVD RW DRU-700A VY08 [E] (Ide)
22/04/2007 11:46:01 info New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info Current Drive selected : 1:1:0 - SONY DVD RW DRU-700A VY08 [E] (Ide)
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info Using Patin-Couffin driver Version 1.37, Internal revision 37 - Async. Access mode
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info User default language : 2057 (0x0809h) - English (United Kingdom)
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info System default language : 2057 (0x0809h) - English (United Kingdom)
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info DLL Version
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info DLL F:\Program Files\DVDFab Platinum 3\vso_hwe.dll
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info Version 3, 0, 9, 8
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info ExeName : "F:\Program Files\DVDFab Platinum 3\DVDFabPlatinum.exe"
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info OS : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
22/04/2007 11:41:49 info ******************** Report session started ********************

14/04/2007 14:41:42 info ******************** Report session closed *********************
14/04/2007 13:15:48 info New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info Current Drive selected : 1:1:0 - SONY DVD RW DRU-700A VY08 [E] (Ide)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info Using Patin-Couffin driver Version 1.37, Internal revision 37 - Async. Access mode
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info User default language : 2057 (0x0809h) - English (United Kingdom)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info System default language : 2057 (0x0809h) - English (United Kingdom)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info DLL Version
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info DLL F:\Program Files\DVDFab Platinum 3\vso_hwe.dll
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info Version 3, 0, 9, 8
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info ExeName : "F:\Program Files\DVDFab Platinum 3\DVDFabPlatinum.exe"
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info OS : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info ******************** Report session started ********************

14/04/2007 13:15:48 info New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info Current Drive selected : 1:1:0 - SONY DVD RW DRU-700A VY08 [E] (Ide)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info Using Patin-Couffin driver Version 1.37, Internal revision 37 - Async. Access mode
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info User default language : 2057 (0x0809h) - English (United Kingdom)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info System default language : 2057 (0x0809h) - English (United Kingdom)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info DLL Version
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info DLL F:\Program Files\DVDFab Platinum 3\vso_hwe.dll
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info Version 3, 0, 9, 8
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info ExeName : "F:\Program Files\DVDFab Platinum 3\DVDFabPlatinum.exe"
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info OS : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
14/04/2007 13:15:46 info ******************** Report session started ********************
Hope that makes sense to someone?
22. April 2007 @ 04:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry..I think this is the log you need ...

11:48:56: Burn DVD folder (G:\My Documents\Shrink Videos 4 copying\Decryption files\FullDisc\Stranger Than Fiction\VIDEO_TS\) started
12:05:50: Task_2 failed! Error=116
12:05:51: Process failed!
22. April 2007 @ 04:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just checked that this code means...

116 HWS_WRITINGFAILED // Writing failed (write error or process aborted)

but I'm still none the wiser?
AfterDawn Addict
22. April 2007 @ 04:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

22/04/2007 11:48:53 info New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - SONY DVD RW DRU-700A VY08 [E] (Ide)

your burner is 3 yrs old now! buying media for this burner will be difficult because new write strategies will be needed and that means you will need a firmware update to help your drive cope with the newer media! but...... the last firmware update was in 2004! I guess you will be needing a new burner soon.

22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Init success: DVD-R packet writing

Packet writing utilities are notorious for interfering with burn processes, as the way it works is to continually poll the burner to check for new media. This prevents the burn application gaining exclusive access to the burner, and sense code errors will happen - every time. Get rid of all packet writing utilities. They are more trouble than they are worth.

22/04/2007 11:48:58 info Media ID: FUJIFILM03

you can do better than Fujifilm disks! Those are not the best. MIJs are the best. Made in Japan disks are more widely recognized by burners and therefore more compatible to burners which make them a much better choice to use! You can find MIJs by looking on the label of the box or spindle and making sure it says MIJ before you buy! If you are online at,,, and others then know that Taiyo Yuden is the best around! Strictly Made In Japan! Other brands that have some MIJs are Sony, Maxell, Fuji ...... go to check the label! or you can buy Verbatim.... another top notch disk but NOT MIJ. Still Verbatim is widely recognized by most burners which also makes them more compatible.

If you use better media..... and make sure it's 8x media or lower! Eventually you'll need a newer burner just to keep up with the newer media! good luck.
23. April 2007 @ 02:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for that. I need to ask what are packet writing utilities anyway? I may need them for other things I do but I may be able to remove some if not all depending what they are?
AfterDawn Addict
23. April 2007 @ 03:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
programs like InCD (Nero program), Roxio/Sonic and Blindwrite have packet writing utility programs. Sometimes they interfere with DVD writing. When having problems with Nero or other programs that write to DVDs then it's wise to uninstall these type of programs.
23. April 2007 @ 11:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah I had Incd on this pc but not running so I have uninstalled it just in case. Thanks I will check out some of those discs...
16. September 2007 @ 04:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was using DVDfab plat also and got the error
Task_2 failed! Error=116 I do not have nero , i just bought this hp burner a month ago have burned at least 25 movies to these light scribe disks now all of a sudden I am getting this error on 2 movies in a row that it refuses to write. There's something more then what disks I am using and have no nero utilities installed in any fashion. Don't know why I am getting this error all of a sudden and does not seem to go away. > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > my first problem disc ever to decrypt :( help please....

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