Hi, I began using a slide card and then all of a sudden my imports won't load and I'm not sure if the tray has been locking. I noticed a set of scratches on my dvd swap magic and I think that might be the problem since when I boot it goes to the main ps2 browser screen saying there's no disc. What necessarily can I do? What's wrong?
Thanks, sorry if noobish, I just got it 2 weeks ago and played 3 hrs.
This is why I avoided doing a softmod on my fat PS2, no offense. I was worried about something similar to what has happened to you if I were to use the slide card each and every time. Anyway, I'm assuming you have had successes loading original games using the slide card method, correct? And it is only the SM disc that has been badly wrecked/scratched, even your PS2 couldn't recognize it. Well, if you can, I ask the place you bought it from for a replacement. But, if you can, I suppose you can buy another SM disc set; however, I do recommend you consider getting either a mod-chip or fliptop case to avoid such tediousness or such circumstances from happening again.
This is where I bought my SM disc set from: http://allmodchip.com/. Free replacement, but, in my case, my problem was due to an improportionally sized SM disc that got ruined, not user error. Plus, their customer feedback was somewhat timely but not absurdly bad either. Maybe some people can vouch for the authenticity of the site I have mentioned. Although I do warn you, I've only bought from them once but the impression I got from last time would make me consider getting from them again if I do decide to get something from there again.
Added: actually, scratch my recommendation. Just do what's best and easiest for you and what you can handle.
I can load the sm but it skips to the browser. I bought from allmodchip and I've heard that the slide card really doesn't harm you that much. If I have future problems, I'll go for fliptop I guess since I just need the quickest way to play naruto 3 and two wrestling games from japan. I can easily load normally, and don't have any cds to test with, but I will consider a fliptop I guess. What do you guys think?