Hi, I've been having problems with BF2 recently, so I decided to uninstall it using the uninstaller it came with. After I did it, I went to put it back on and my computer says it is still on there in Add/Remove Programs, even though the entire EA folder is empty. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Sometimes when I use the Add/Remove Programs function, I have found that the program name still remains in the Add/Remove list.
Here's what has worked for me. Close the Add/Remove dialog completely. Reopen the Add/Remove function. Click on the program name again to remove it. There have been occassions when I did this that the function said it could not remove program (because it's not there) and then offered to remove the entry (that you want gone). See if this works for you.
Alternatively, just reinstall the game. Some games/programs have on disk install, repair, and remove functions. Try that route, too.
You could just delete all files/folders manually. Then you would need to run Regedit, if you are feeling bold, to remove left over entries in the registry. Or use a program like CCleaner, good to have anyway. Get it here:
Thanks alot man, that program fixed it, I can now install BF2 with no problems. This is why I like Afterdawn, alot of knowledgable people. Thanks again man. :)