I recently got eDonkey. Everything seems to be working fine, but is there a way to turn off sharing like in Kazaa? I don't mean to be selfish, but I'm getting my first download, and the speed won't go higher than 0.1 because people are uploading from me at about 4.9 the whole time. I'd share the file once it was complete, but it's a waste for me, because it will never finish. What should I do?
Although you can cap the upload speed, it is really not reccommended because you end up screwwing yourself more hehe. The way the antileeching systems work are that the individual clients (i.e., users) will only share between clients that offer them favorable returns and such, essentially somewhat of a 'repuation' kind of deal. You may find capping your upload will not pay off at all.
I have switched from eDonkey to eMule now. It seems to have a better selection, not to mention more reliable files, but I'm still having a lot of trouble with speed. People are getting the same file from me at 7, 8 or 9k/sec, whereas I'm lucky if I get 1k/sec for half a minute, and most of the time I'm getting nothing at all. It seems a complete waste that they should benefit so much from me and I get nothing from it, like some kind of intermediary.
Strix_V, u can use an eMule mod to kill upload BUT if the antileecher mods find you, then u can forget about the donkey network forever! lol I know the uploading at first sucks, but you are new so u kinda gotta work your way up, and i hope u are using peerguardian well updated, or ipfilter.dat right?
Well basically, both block ip addresses, peerguardian blocks from your comp completely and ipfilter.dat blocks from eMule! Some of the people on the list would be, emm ya know, movie studios and stuff!