and even change the colour to red. But I think Afterdawn could add some more options such as smileys, more colours, text sizes and more. A pointless suggestion, but I think it would help spice up afterdawn a bit and make it a bit more enjoyable.
I want text sizes to be changed and colours so when making a tutorial it is a bit easier on the eye.
Add/Select all in Private Messages
As Thatsome1 said, I would like to see the ability to add all private messages to make it easier to delete them.
Seperate Pages I would like to see tutorials, technical help seperated into different pages.
I don't think this will happen because of the bandwidth issues that aD would have if they implement this. Awhile ago we used to have a little counter at the bottom of the screen that would show how many members were online at the same time and this would cause bandwidth issues and for the servers to go crazy. So aD is trying to minimize these thing. Hence why those suggestions may not happen.
"the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward
drd has said that AD was specifically designed to lack the graphics overload of most forums out there; he very nearly left out the few things there are now. honestly, it's a better system this way--AD is not about eye candy, it's about the beauty that comes from pure functionality.
Originally posted by borhan9:I don't think this will happen because of the bandwidth issues that aD would have if they implement this. Awhile ago we used to have a little counter at the bottom of the screen that would show how many members were online at the same time and this would cause bandwidth issues and for the servers to go crazy. So aD is trying to minimize these thing. Hence why those suggestions may not happen.
Actually bandwidth wasn't the issue behind this problem, but sheer server pressure the counter put on our poor database (every page load had to update the "users online" table and then poll the total number of unique users back with another query -- two database queries don't sound all that much, but we have 10,000+ users during the peak times online and all page refreshes, etc making two extra queries just for the sake of the counter was bringing our db server cluster to its knees, pretty much for nothing really useful).
As far as the other suggestions go, avatars and smileys wont happen. Not as long as I'm in some kind of charge here. It adds non-useful clutter to the forums, makes pages less readable and slow down their loading times with no good reason whatsoever.
As far as "tech help" for each forum room goes, we have something in plans that might (or might not) happen by the end of the year.
The "de/select all" in PM inbox is easy to implement and sounds useful, so I'll add it to the "official wishlist".
Thanks for the update and reaffarmation on what the stand is for AfterDawn. It would be great to see that little addition to aD with the check boxes :)
"the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward
Also, dont know if this is asking too much. But I would like to see Rapidshare Premiums handed out to people who deserve it. do it but I am not building up my rep on that site. Dont know how they do it but they do