hello i just converted a movie to a dvd format and im about ready to burn it to a disk but i want to put a menu on it. how would i make a menu with one of my own backgrounds and with buttons that will let it work on a dvd player? And also how do i makes scenes on the dvd? You know like when you rent a movie from blockbuster, the menu of the dvd has like a scene selection option and then you could chose what kind scene you want to skip to. how would i make that on my own dvd?
well i managed to make my menu, and i saved it to my desktop.
when i opened my file in the program,it made me join all of the VOB files into one file.
this is the saved menu i created.
i saved the joined movie file to my desktop but the original one is still there, the one i usually click on when i want to burn the DVD,
this one:
these files are inside the Video_ts.
what i need to know is how to burn the movie with the menu i created. do i just put the menu into this folder, , and then just burn it like i usually would?
If you listen to attar and use DVD Author, than you have to import your movie into it and make menu and chapters there. At the end this program will burn DVD for you with the menu and all.
It is OK to import your file as joined. Also you do not have to do that because Author will take your Video_Ts folder.
You cannot just put menu file into Video_Ts folder because it has no connections to anything.
In any case if you really want to make pro DVDs than check DVD Lab Pro.
yea thats what i used, DVD Lab Pro, it told me to join all the VOBs to one file.
so if i use DVD Author will it let me open my menu that i created with dvd lab pro? because it is a .dal file and im not sure if it will work. How would i burn the movie with the menu with dvd lab pro becuase when i tried to burn a movie, it was going to the VIDEO_TS folder where all the VOB's are seperate and i was working with the combined file. and also i couldnt open the menu from there.
If you have Lab Pro you do not need any other software to make DVD files, only one to burn them.
You imported file into Lab, than make main menu and chapter menus and do export of your creation. DVD lab will make AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folder under file name you choose for export.
Audio will be empty. Video will have all your VOB files in it separated again.
Make sure you Frame Index your movie before creating chapters, green dimond will be above each chapter point, (Upper Tool Bar:Movie-Frame Index). Than you can create chapters by hand or automatic.
Make connection to them from buttons in chapter menu(s).
Than you can use Nero or Roxio for burning exported file. If your file is large and you want to use DL DVD, than get ImgBurn for burning. This software is really good and it will also burn single layer DVDs.
Lets take this from beginning.
When you ope DVD Lab the window come up and ask you for PAL or NTSC project and under that is Normal, Advance, Movie only and so on.
Click on format you want (PAL,NTSC)
Than Normal.
Import you video into Asset Window #1. It will ask you Demux the file. do it. According to your first post you have joined file, import that one. If you see warning on import "Open GOP" it is OK No problem there, any other warning in red you have to check.
Look at this, click on Basic Layout.
http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/helppro2/index.html Once you have your file in drag it into Connection subwindow #5 into Movie Block.
Than you will have Main Menu Block there also where you create main menu.
If you need menu for chapters do add Menu by right click on Menu in left window #2.
In this one you make your buttons and link them to each chapter in your movie.
Once all connections are done you click on "Compile dvd" Green disk with arrow in upper tool bar.
That is it, your new DVD will be created with menu and chapter menu to be ready to burn to disk.
You can play this in your software player like Nero,Roxio,Power DVD and so on. Do not use Window media player as that one works only sometime.