FYI- don't buy anything from boilsoft, there on line support is non-exsistant. I have sent many e-mails concerning an issue with audio sync and never once got a response.
I have been waiting for a way to vent about my experience with Boilsoft - so, thanks for posting this thread.
I was looking for a splitter - I think it was an MPG file - for splitting into multiple files. However, using the Start Time and Stop Time feature was very awkward. And I'm a software QA person, so quite used to using these kinds of products. The Splitter is described as having the capability of splitting into more than one file. I really did try my best - however, I wasn't sure if I was doing the steps correctly. No Help to speak of, and none for splitting into multiple files. I ended up with what seemed to be 3 split files - however, only the first one had any size, the other 2 were 0 KB. So, thanks a lot!!
SOOO, in my naivete, I emailed Boilsoft's support at the specified email address for support. I described in precise detail the steps I took and the results. After not hearing from Boilsoft support for several weeks later, I forwarded the same message to support with further description, and still no response. Today, I forwarded them the same message, stating that if they didn't respond to me, I need my $34.95 returned to me. (Lotsa luck, right??)
This is a vent - and another warning about Boilsoft. I only bought and attempted to use the Splitter (not the Converter, DVD Ripper, or Joiner). But this is a reflection on how Boilsoft does business. I really wanted to use their product - but because of their business practices, I am sharing this warning!