I'm sure all you guys know to be careful out there w/ kazaa and all that junk. The most useful P2P app. I have found, would be MiRc. Literally virus free!
If you guys want good speeds off MiRc. You have to search the Phazenet Server. This is where all your MP3's are. Once your in the Mp3 channels, you will have to search for someone w/ good speeds . Average speeds that I reach are about 15K....Depending on your connection speed, and how many people they are serving to at the same time.
You will be amazed on what you can find. Its not exactly the most user friendly, but once you get the hang of it, you will be hooked! I am!
Any questions let me know........I might have an answer. :oP
If you're using CAble, or some High Speed internet, 15kbps is slow. I can get like 70kbps off Kazaa Lite straight. Also, you should use SOulSeek, for MP3 files, since you don't get those Kill-RIAA-induced-Rage songs, that the RIAA put up themselves.
mIRC is the Windows client for accessing the IRC networks.. Not the only client out there to getting onto the IRC networks.. one of the most recognized yes.. mIRC doesnt technically qualify as a script as since it really doesnt modify how IRC works.. works on the same grounds as an ftp client an internet browser.. a piece of software that connects you to a server a network.. and example of an IRC script would be like Invision, Excursion, polaris.. scripts modify how the client works/access the IRC servers.
Personally I dont even bother with any other manner of getting stuff other then via IRC.. Fast STABLE servers / bots are quite common if ya know where to look ;).. aside from the technical mumbo gumbo a noobie has to shift thru to understand how IRC works, its well worth it
Could someone explain how you can download files from mIRC (Yes i know it's just plain IRC), i've yet to find an explanation that makes it clear. (if this has been asked and explained before just point me too it). thanks
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."