I've been switching from program to program whenever I need to animate a picture and save it as a GIF. As soon as the trial period on one ends, I find another and download it. But now I'm out of programs and trial periods, so I'm going to break down and actually buy one; I'm just not sure which. And I'm sure the people on this board know way more about it than I do, so I'm asking for your opinions on which GIF animating program is the best.
I need it to be under $50.00, be able to animate GIF images with relative ease, be able to save them in a relatively small file size (I don't know why, but some programs will create and save a GIF file as 575K when others will create and save the exact same thing and have it be only 70K), be compatible with Windows 98 and also be able to create GIF images out of movie files. What I mean by that is that they take a clip from a video file and save it as a .GIF image that plays exactly as if it was a movie. Like this.
So, does anyone have any suggestions, given those details? Thanks in advance for any and all help,
I can't seem to find a way to transfer video clips to a .GIF file with either of those programs, though...is there something I'm missing? Or, is there another program that will do that (preferably freeware?)