Please help me!!!--Winmx
9. October 2003 @ 14:02 |
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I cannot connect to winmx. I don't know much about it. I read that I might be behind a firewall. I have not installed any firewalls on my comp, and have searched for them with no luck. Where could I find them, and if I am not behind a firewall, what else could be the problem? I would appreciate all input and have been working on this for 2 days, so could you please help?
Thanks so much,
9. October 2003 @ 15:04 |
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Okay--I think I might have a firewall built into my server. How do I get around this? Can I use http tunnel--what is that?
Pleeeeease help :(
Account closed as per user's own request
10. October 2003 @ 03:05 |
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Hi Manda,
Is your PC that you want to connect to WinMX at work on a network or is your PC at home?
'Cause if it is at home you shouldn't have problem connecting to the network. At work you probably sit behind a firewall blovking those ports that P2P programs access.
Staff Member
10. October 2003 @ 11:01 |
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What isp manda? possible you could be blocked from connecting?
11. October 2003 @ 17:25 |
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Thanks so much for trying to help me guys. I am working from my home computer. I set up the connection manually. It is my university's server. I'm not sure if that matters or not. I have gone through and looked at the options. I enabled p2p connections and disabled the firewall I found, but nothing is working yet. What else could make me be blocked from connecting and how can I fix this?---once again thanks so much!
11. October 2003 @ 17:30 |
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Oh yeah, I just remembered...There are other people that have the university's server and have made it work, I'm just not sure how. (don't really know how to get in touch with them.) So, I don't guess that the university makes it impossible. I have also tried Kazaa lite, limewire, and morpheus. Nothing works yet.
12. October 2003 @ 10:17 |
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Do you have a router at home?
12. October 2003 @ 11:30 |
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Good question. What's a router? (Obviously, I don't know much about all this)
12. October 2003 @ 15:15 |
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LOL are you sharing internet between multiple computers? If so, odds are you have a router.
Also does the name Linksys, Belkin, SMC, DMC ring a bell? To actually check, get down and follow the RJ45 (the network cable) coming out of the computer's network card and follow it... does it reach a box? or does it plug directly into the modem? If it plugs into a 'box' that's your router (most likely).
14. October 2003 @ 14:39 |
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Praetor, just wanted to say first of all thanks so much for trying to help me and my clueless self! In that case, I don't think I have a router, and none of those names ring a bell. This might help you help me :)... I am using Internet Explorer and I set my ISP up through it. I change my internet options under "Tools". If you use Internet Explorer (or have access to it) you might can look at the options, because I have no idea what many of them mean, and I think that some might be causing my problems. Once again thanks.
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16. October 2003 @ 21:53 |
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Hmmm... you may have trouble using any of the filesharing programs on college campus. After the first of the RIAA lawsuits (and this is just going by what I know), colleges now block access to any file-sharing program.
That could be your problem... the university you're at has already blocked WinMX from using their connection.
I wouldn't be positive about this... I know a few colleges around here have done that already, so maybe yours did too. Otherwise I would suspect a proxy or router problem someplace.
IBM Aptiva E2N
400 AMD K6 3D processor (changed from 266 to 400 ... 66.5% increase!)
128 megs RAM
4 gig HDD
Internal: 8X Hitachi CDR-7980 (it's not a burner)
External: 4X/4X/24X USB CD-Writer+ 8200 (HP)
18. October 2003 @ 17:31 |
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I am not on the campus, I am just using their server b/c it's free :) to me. There are other people that have it work just fine (so I have heard), but you have to fix your internet options just right, and I am not sure what to do. I don't have a router or proxy (I don't think), so I don't know what the deal is. Thanks for your help. Once again, I would love it from anyone, but it looks like I am just going to have to give up :( (but I will still try all suggestions)
Thanks everyone,
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18. October 2003 @ 20:24 |
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I'd suggest checking out the chatroom... I'm sure there would be someone in there who can help you with your problem.
Explaining something like this over a MB is tough, but when you can talk to the person in real-time it's much easier.
I'll be in there off and on all night long (from probably 11:23 PM to like 4:00 AM Central time) if you check this thing tonight, otherwise I'm sure there'll be someone who can help you out in there :-)
19. October 2003 @ 11:04 |
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Hey, Sorry, but I missed you. Can you give me the link to that chatroom?
Thanks, Manda
20. October 2003 @ 09:01 |
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Oh yeah,
One more thing I might mention, I can't even get into anything that I've tried so far with chat. I don't think that it's the server, because you can do all of that on campus. I have tried, and I can access things on campus that I haven't been able to at home. You can download anything on campus. It's the same server that I have at home. I just think it may be that I have the wrong options chosen for my network connections, and I don't know what to change.
Much thanks as always to any suggestions,
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21. October 2003 @ 23:27 |
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I'm not sure if there's a java version of the chat or not, but I know the mIRC version works fine for me.
But, if you have mIRC or something like it installed, here are the settings (or at least the ones I use):
Channel: #ad_buddies
Best to leave the port settings and all that the way it shows up (port 6667, no password). If you can't get in... let me know on here or something and I'll try to help you out somehow. Either that, or let Dela or someone else know and I'm sure that they'll be able to walk you through it.
So, yeah... let us know how it goes and we'll help you from there!
IBM Aptiva E2N
400 AMD K6 3D processor (changed from 266 to 400 ... 66.5% increase!)
128 megs RAM
4 gig HDD
Internal: 8X Hitachi CDR-7980 (it's not a burner)
External: 4X/4X/24X USB CD-Writer+ 8200 (HP)
Account closed as per user's own request
23. October 2003 @ 01:03 |
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Manda, so you sit at home and use the university's server to get access to the internet? If that is the case you should probably set your p2p app so that it goes through the proxy server of the university's server. If you can access the internet through internet explorer you should be able access p2p apps if other people can. Try and use the proxy settings in IE in kazaa or whatever p2p you use. Maybe that'll help?
27. October 2003 @ 20:33 |
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13. January 2004 @ 09:04 |
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ok here it goes if your school's server has a fire wall you need to get in to it and open ports. first you have to get your pc's ip address. click start run then type cmd then ipconfig/all write down your ip address. now win mx has default ports it uses some isps and schools will block those ports so you need to change them in winmx by going to settings i dont use win mx so you will have to play with it but winmx default ports are 6699 tcp and 6257 udp you need to change to 16699 tcp and 16257 udp then you should be good. need more help contact me at and rember if you are using a filesharing program please share thats what its all about.
Senior Member
14. January 2004 @ 13:09 |
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Go to internet options, select security, press custom level and drag it all the way down to low. Select privacy and drag it all the way down to "Accept All Cookies"
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