Ok so i bought some American NTSC games for my cousins in Norway who have the PS2 Slim, PAL SCPH-75004(Dont know what version). I plan on buying swap magic 3.6 non coder edition. Correct me if im wrong but i dont need the slider tool with slim? I need the actual swap magic disks and the magic switch or magic keys. Is there a difference between magic keys and magic switch? Is there anything else i need to play NTSC(N) games on a slim PAL console(SCPH-75004)One last question, is there any soldering involved?
Yes, you are correct. For the slim PS2, which I believe it to be a v15 without guessing, (you can check here for more clarification) you don't need the slide tool for the slim PS2 because you already have a flip-top cover in the slimline model which the fat PS2 doesn't have. You don't even need the magic switch or magic keys, rather, if you understand what must be done and accomplished by installing the magic keys/magic switch, then you don't need to use those. Check here for a guide on how to do the tissue and tape mod on your slim PS2.
Make sure you get the correct region Swap Magic disc set or else your PS2 won't recognize them and won't boot the disc at all. For example, since you have a PAL region slim PS2, I suggested getting the PAL Swap Magic disc set. If you have a NTSC PS2, get the NTSC Swap Magic disc set.
And there is no soldering at all involved. That's only if you wanted to buy a mod-chip and install it yourself, which I suggest you get a professional to install it for you rather than you wrecking your PS2.
Edit: The difference between the magic switch and the magic keys is quite minimal. Those who generally install the magic keys either don't want to open up their PS2 or have a warranty they do not wish to void. Those who are interested in the magic switch have no problems opening up their PS2 and have no warranty to really not bother opening the PS2. The tissue and tape mod I suggested can do both which I recommend you doing rather than buying those keys. Here for a picture tutorial.
I know advertising isnt allowed on this site, so if someone could pm me a message about a reliable site for where to buy 3.6 PAL version would be awesome.