I'm wondering what is the best way to rip a DVD that I'm planning on editing with remake pro. Before I got remake pro I would most always go movies+menus with ripit, then author with VobBlanker and pgcedit for buttons and jump to title/root menu commands. However, now that I'm using Remake, I'm wondering if the best thing to do is to just do a full rip. I ask this because I had thought, from doing a little reading, that hiding menus or previews that I didn't want to see before the title menu would change the first play command to "skip" these parts and thus jump me to the menu screen. However, This doesn't seem to be the case seeing as I just backed up LOST season1 D1 and there was a long black screen wait before the DVD got to the root menu. So, my real question is is there a way for me to edit the first play command that will allow me to "jump to title/root menu?" If it involves changing the first play command(s) directly, are there any general tips you all could give me to help me avoid jumping to the wrong pgc or screwing up the chain? To be honest I don't really know much about commands since I'm used to just tracing and breaking with pgcedit so if you could really break it down for me or link me to a guide that does so I'd really appreciate it.
Long black screen is because you used "Hide" in Remake to get rid off what you do not want.
All the commands are still there and go through all the unwanted stuff before get to the first picture.
You can use command in Fist Play to go where you want, but every DVD is different so simple answer is difficult.
If you used VobBlanker and PGCEdit you should have no problem with Remake, it is much easier.
Remake will let you know if command you used is wrong and than there is a Debug which will let you know where DVD stop if something you did is not right.
To do it right, you delete all the stuff you do not want. Than you delete everything what is "Red color".
Than you find out what VTS hold your First Play. You look at WMG Titles which one point to your VTS and use Call/Jump to that title.
Than from post command of that title you go back to WMG-PGC to do next step an so on.
You have to be aware of registry (R) numbers, because they can mess up your sequence, but if you use one language, you most likely will not need those so they can be erased, unless used for chapters.
Within the same domain you use "Link" to go from one PGC to another.
It will all take little practise, but at the end it is easy. I am sure you will love this software.
You can also post all your questions at there site:
Do you have Auto Bypass checked under Tools/Options? What this does is, after you hide the blocks, particularly 'Hide all blocks', all the post-commands will be appended to the pre-commands, thereby bypassing all the hidden blocks from being played.
Hiding menus, previews, warnings, etc. does not mean that it will skip the execution of pre-commands in these hidden blocks. How long the wait before reaching the first menu depends how deep the bypassing of these hidden blocks before reaching the first menu and the speed of your DVD player. New players with bigger buffer can jump to the menu real quick while older players can be real slow. You probably could even hear the laser moving back and forth quickly. Just imagine that it has to go through, e.g., First Play -> VMG -> VTS -> VMG -> VTS -> VMG -> VTS -> and so on.
There is no easy way to show you how to jump directly to the main menu without requiring familiarity of VM commands. Since you're familiar with PgcEdit's trace function and its macro to jump to desired PGC, you can follow the trace on how PgcEdit does it. At the same time, you can use ReMake's debugger to follow the trace in Step mode for comparison. You may need to move the Registers and System Registers pane around so you can see all at once. Look at the Playback history pane in the debugger and see how registers are assigned, how conditions are being tested, and when the branch takes place. With practice, you will soon understand how it all works.
Here's how I do it to jump from First Play to the main menu or any place I want. This is the old fashion way before the existence of DvdReMake and PgcEdit's debugger, and I still do it sometimes as I'm used to it. Follow the trace, making notes of register changes in Notepad. Know where to pick the starting PGC to deviate from original flow. This is where you make changes to the register value and adjust the navigation flow. Continue tracing through just one step before you reach the main menu. Take note of latest register values along the way. Enter these values in the starting PGC and change the link to jump to main menu. Then you can delete, instead of hide, everything that has been bypassed and fix anything that is highlighted in red. Yep, this can be tedious depending on how complicated the navigation is. That's why PgcEdit's macro is better as it handles all register changes and jumps for you. The only advantage of doing manually is you get to see all the possible values in a register that you can refer to make further deletion of unused commands (PgcEdit cannot do this and there's no way for it to know), and decide where to make your starting PGC.
But if you intend to have movie+menus only, the easiest way is to use RipIt4Me in Movie+menus mode and Jump to first valid menu option. Then you can skip DvdReMake or PgcEdit and VobBlanker altogether.
@Suba, don't I know you at cdr-zone? You look familiar.