ok i looked everywhere for this and did find other problems like this, BUT they had problems different thatn mine.
mine is that i had added superglue to the button (when you have to open the slim ps2). i did put tissue on the brake thing, and black tape on the reset/power button. after applying glue to the 3rd button thing it wont spin disks. i left it open and i look at it while i boot it up, and it wont spin whatsoever. is there anything i should look for on the lense, motor, or anything important? cuz i didnt touch any connections just added super glue to that part.
one thing, i did (unintentionaly) have my hand resting on the sliding thing (long tube that goes up and down, with the grooves)
well all i can assume without looking at the ps2 is that the glue may have seeped into something it shouldnt have or, something while the buttons are pressed keeps the disc from spinning aka keeping the disc drive from noticing there is a cd in the drive or that the ps2 thinks the drive is still open so it wont spin.
maybe im not too sure but it has something to do with teh buttons >_> sorry for stating the obvoius so far.
hahahha no worries! its just that the thingy doesnt move one bit even when i push the power button. so even after all buttons are down, nothing, not even a nudge. but its all good, thanks for some help, just that i wanted to know if there was anything i should look for =D thanks!
I did the exact same thing and now mine dosent boot either. Ive posted the same thing in the software boot forum. Did you find any thing out??? [please]
yes you are right. there is one inside under the hindge and one in the front right by the reset button. the third thing that he speaks of can accually be removed and that is by the lens. It accually aint a limit switch at all. I ve found that if left on it will scratch the heck out out your game. But anyways I super glued the the front and rear limit switch and I think what happened is that the glue got in there and cut off the circut. What I want to know is there a way to bypass this. Am I screwed or can I buy a new one. Any clue would help.
I don't know if those switches can be bypassed. I would test the area with my multimeter to get a better idea of how things work. From there, it might be possible to remove those switch and bridge or un-bridge the relevant points, depending on how it functioned.
no sorry dude i am going to have to buy a new ps2....but! ps2´s are like pennys on the floor, only like 100bucks. my dumb ass will not press on the disc reader next time. but that doesnt mean that taping the reset button and inside the ps2 wont affect it, cuz it wont, what i did was i was pressing down on the disc reader. terrible mistake,. and yea the tissue is a must cuz it will fudge up ur disc like hell and maybe even stop it! =D well anyways time to buy a new ps2 and i WILL do the tissue tape again.