when i hook up my Hi8 camcorder to my computer through usb, and use Nero to capture it.. i never get any audio, does anyone know what i should do, any other programs would work? thankss
Thanks i tried that, but every time i try to capture, it crashes... but i did relize it crashes because its set to record in WJPG, i know this because it also crashed in windows movie maker, but i changed the setting to RBG and it was able to capture... but with no sound... so does anyone know how to change the setting in VirtualDub to not record in WJPG, thanks
Originally posted by snowbhord:when i hook up my Hi8 camcorder to my computer through usb, and use Nero to capture it.. i never get any audio, does anyone know what i should do, any other programs would work? thankss
Does that camcorder have a firewire port on it? If not, did the camcorder come with any software for capture?
When connected via USB, Nero no doubts sees the camcorder as a web cam, and even if it did capture, the quality would be poor. The no sound is a common problem when connected this way.
If you can use a firewire, use it, and capture as an .avi file.
thanks, but nope, there is no firewire port. there is an s-video out and A/V out, so if i never get the usb to work i guess i could buy some adapter. also the camcorder is kind of old, and i doubt i could find any capture program for it, however, i was able the find the driver on the internet. but thats it. and would Nero be the only program that thinks its a webcam? or just capture programs in general through usb? thanks