WMP green display when displaying srt subtitle
13. October 2003 @ 12:28 |
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I followed the 16:9 DivX5 guide and now have a movie that plays properly on the current Windows Media Player.
I used Subrip to generate an .srt file for the movie. When either Vobsub or DivXG400 loads, the movie video turns green with diagonal tears where parts of the movie shows through. The subtitles display ok, but the video does not.
The system is WinXP, with current WMP and DivX.
Any suggestions?
Senior Member
13. October 2003 @ 15:25 |
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Havent tried my luck with subs created with subrip.
I suggest downloading FFDShow and using that to playback your subtitles.
Youll have to go into the configuration menu and configure the filter to do so.
Also itll only work if FFDShow is also decoding your movie. Basically if youre using the divx codec to playback the movie you cant use FFDShow to playback the subtitles.
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
13. October 2003 @ 18:03 |
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Awesome! Thanks, that did the trick. Ok, one more question now... the subtitles are lagging by a couple seconds. What's the best way to get those in synch?
Ok, just took another several looks at that movie. When playing on WMP with ffdshow, the audio varies between being in synch w/ the video, to being a couple seconds too fast. This happens throughout the movie, regardless of the subtitle setting. It looks like the subtitles are in proper synch w/ the video.
The same movie file played on DivX Player 2.5 doesn't have any audio/video synch problems.
Any ideas why the difference, and if there's a way to fix it?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. October 2003 @ 23:30
Senior Member
13. October 2003 @ 23:52 |
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Are you sure the movie is not synced using the divx player?
What happens when you use the divvx 5.XX codec to playback your movies? synched? not synched?
Have you tried playing the file in anyother players besides the two? What were the results?
There are many possibilities as to why your video is not in synch. More so if it is in synch in one player and not in another. Thats why I want you to be sure before you take any further drastic actions.
But anyways, here are some simple things you can try to solve minor synch problems, that is of course you really do have problems.
Load movie into VirtualDub or Virtualdubmod
Make sure Direct Stream Copy is selected in the Video menu.
Save Avi.
Resaving the audio and video streams will re-interleave the two streams, hopefully doing it correctly.
If after testing the avi and you find there is desynchronization in the file, I suggest you read this:
Good Luck.
You will have to select disable for Div5 in the codec support menu in FFdshow, if you want to use the divx codec to playback your movies; just in case you didnt know... :-)
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. October 2003 @ 23:54
14. October 2003 @ 09:21 |
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I took a quick look at the problem again last night. I'll have to do some more testing. So far, it looks like the the movie gets out of synch in multiple locations, where the audio goes from matching to being faster than the video by maybe 2-3 seconds.
>>Are you sure the movie is not synced using the divx player?
It seems like there is a synch problem with DivX Player as well as with WMP, and that the desynch is greater with WMP.
>>What happens when you use the divvx 5.XX codec to playback your movies? synched? not synched?
I deselected DivX5 in FFDshow and still have desynching under WMP.
>>Have you tried playing the file in any other players besides the two? What were the results?
Haven't tried other players yet.
>>Load movie into VirtualDub or Virtualdubmod
I'll do the VirtualDub procedure. That is how I put the video and sound together originally. So it still could make a difference if I process it again?
If that doesn't work, I'll try Avifixed as you wrote in the other post.
Any other suggestions?
p.s. reading through posts on synch problems now.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. October 2003 @ 09:25
Senior Member
14. October 2003 @ 14:56 |
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You're using an mp3 audio file right?
When you first joined the audio and video file, did you change any of the audio interleave settings, or did you leave them at default?
14. October 2003 @ 15:33 |
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Yep, mp3 converted by CDEx. The first time I used 1.5x, but the audio was full of static. So I remade the mp3 with 1.4x and it came out fine.
I took the DivX with the bad audio, and combined it with the good 1.4x audio. I used direct stream copy for both audio and video in VirtualDub.
I don't recall changing audio interleave settings when I combined the audio and video.
I'll take a look again after I get home from work.
Senior Member
14. October 2003 @ 19:35 |
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What do you mean when you say you combined the bad audio with the good one?
Ok, here's something you could try but it involves using virtualdubmod. I haven't used vdub in a while so Im not too familiar with most of its functions.
Load the movie in virtualdubmod.
Click on stream list in the streams menu.
How many audio files do you see?
Have you tried resaving the movie?
What were the results?
14. October 2003 @ 22:43 |
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>>What do you mean when you say you combined the bad audio with the good one?
I loaded the divx file that contained the bad audio into VirtualDub. On the audio menu, I set VirtualDub to use the wav(mp3) file that contained the good audio. I set video and audio to direct stream copy, and resaved the divx to get a movie that had good audio instead of static.
>>Load the movie in virtualdubmod.
>>Click on stream list in the streams menu.
>>How many audio files do you see?
I don't have virtualdubmod, but virtualdub's file information shows a video stream and an audio stream.
>>Have you tried resaving the movie?
>>What were the results?
I resaved the movie using direct stream copy, but it's still not synched.
I did try avifixed, and that got the video and audio in perfect synch. But it also did something to the video, so now it has blocky artifacts and motion streaks at times. Does that give any clues regarding the source of the desynch problem?
Would there be a way to fix the synch problem in VirtualDub?
Is there a program other than avifixed that might resync the movie without messing up the video?
15. October 2003 @ 05:41 |
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Additional info...
I'm using VirtualDub 1.5.4 and the default a/v interleave settings are:
Preload 500ms of audio
Interleave audio every 1 frame
Delay audio track by 0ms
Any thing to change there?
Senior Member
15. October 2003 @ 15:18 |
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No Im not aware of any other programs that can fix audio desynch.
But you could use VirtualDub to fix the synch problems.
Ok try this to fix up the gradual desynch:
Load movie in vdub
Select Direct stream copy in the video menu and audio menu.
save wav file.
select audio wav source and use file you just saved
set video framerate->change so audio and video durations match
Hopefully that will work. If that doesn't work, youll have to manually synch it. The framerate should be close to the one you get when you selected change so audio and video durations match.
save new file
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
15. October 2003 @ 15:46 |
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Ok, I'll take a look at that. Though I don't think the problem is a gradual desynch.
It seems that audio and video go in and out of synch throughout the entire movie. So sometimes, it's in synch, and sometimes it's off by about 2-3 seconds.
Senior Member
15. October 2003 @ 17:07 |
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Hmmm...Ive never really encountered a problem like that before...
Chances are, your AVI might have some errors...If that last method doesnt fix up the problem, you can try this:
set audio & video to directstream
save audio
(if audio has an error you may need an audio editor to fix wav source)
select audio source as wav
set video errormode->decode even if the results might be garbled
save new file
If nothing you do can fix up this problem then id suggest encoding the VOB files again. Hopefully it wont be too much of an inconvenience. :-)
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
16. October 2003 @ 08:25 |
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I tried using VirtualDub and setting: video framerate->change so audio and video durations match. This helped a lot w/ the desynch, but the timing is still a little off.
Looks like I'm going to try encoding again. I'd followed the DVD to DivX5 guide for 16:9 anamorphic, using VirtualDub 1.5.4 and DivX5.1. I'll probably get VirtualDub 1.5.6. Is there a different procedure or codec that you recommend?
thanks again.
Senior Member
16. October 2003 @ 17:35 |
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Hmmm...You might want to hold off on the re-encoding if you still feel like tweaking the framerate a bit.
If you load the video with the new framerate into Gspot, it should tell you the exact framerate of your video. Now increase or decrease the framerate a little in the Change to ____ frames per second option. Hopefully youll get it right in a only a few tries.
The procedure on that guide is pretty good.
Uh, you could try GordianKnot which is great for determining quality of video in relation to the size of the file.
There is a guide on this site, but I think youd get more info by using the GordianKnot guide from here:
The divx 5.1 codec is excellent for straight forward results, but if you feel like tweaking codec settings to try and increase quality you can give XviD a try. There's a guide on the site as well.
I also recommend that you use VirtualDubMod to do your encoding, since it offers a few more options than virtualdub and in my opinion, is much easier to use.
If you still want to use a guide thats similar to the one that you used but is updated with the newest divx codec you can use this guide:
Good Luck.
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. October 2003 @ 17:37
20. October 2003 @ 07:50 |
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Thanks for all the links and info.
I tried tweaking framerates some more... tried some avifixed type utilities... tried re-encoding the audio... all without success.
I've installed Vdubmod and XviD and re-ripped the movie. Hopefully the XviD encoding will be finished by the time I get home from work today, and I can direct stream the audio and video together into a good file.
Senior Member
20. October 2003 @ 15:28 |
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Well, Good Luck.
20. October 2003 @ 18:19 |
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Awesome! Vdubmod and XviD worked great, and I've got a file w/ a/v sync now.
Senior Member
20. October 2003 @ 19:14 |
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Congratulations :-)
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!