all ya'll kazaa lovers can kiss your free Kazaa downloads buhbyes soon .. Kazaa's owners Shaman Networks has decided to pull the plug on the free downloads which in turn is resembling selling out to the RIAA.. Tis easier to roll over then it is to fight a seeminglesss endless war..
Tsk tsk buhbye kazaa/kazaa lite.. wut a pity, the world going lose a piece of garbage p2p network and app.. Ohh the horror
Who cares? lol thats the way its all going now, look at napster aswell. Well I just have to laugh, because the Donkey Network will never be a pay service!
Yea who does really give a damned? Ohh yea wait, all the kazaa kiddies will.. heaven forbid their precious kazaa will make you pay to use it.
See what happens when something blows up and goes mainstream? Becomes popular, everyone jumps on the bandwagon pulls all the wrong kind of attention to it
its all well and good laughin at kaz cos its goin down but theres a more serious point here ,that yet another free service used by millions is gonna get the chop.and whos next the question has to be asked p2p is on its way out because all the owners will cave in eventually for one reason or another then we will all be pissed of.
Funny thing being I really despise P2p networks/services such as eDonkey, Emule, Overnet, Kazaa.. as for them all dying out and selling out going pay per download, doesnt matter to me since I use private ftps and http sites besides my ever reliable IRC to get my goods.
the issue here being the more popular a P2P gets the more attention it draws.. Look what happened to Napster.. in its early days, Napster flew high speed reliable then the masses discovered the joy of Napster.. and what happened? Napster slowed down, junk files started showing up not to mention Napster was now in the RIAA's crosshairs..
Kazaa pay service...ok these guys have an IQ of like <10. They will get their paying users to do all the work for them, ie use all the customers bandwidth for sharing the stupid songs. Ok, yea I'm going to give you my internet connection so you can get all the money from my generousity.
Where did you hear that Kazaa was going to be a pay service? This if the first time I have heard of it. I don't really care since I haven't used Kazaa in a long time. I've been using limewire to get my music since Kazza has too many messed up files on there.