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Go-kart Records Fights RIAA via Free Downloads
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15. October 2003 @ 14:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Free Album Downloads & an open letter to RIAA!

We at Go-Kart Records want to make it perfectly clear that the RIAA does not represent the views of all record labels. So, we are putting our music where our mouth is to prove a point. We believe that if you like the music you hear you will support it by going to shows, telling your friends, and buying the bands CDs. With this in mind, we are allowing people to download some of our current releases AT NO CHARGE. In other words, we are essentially GIVING these albums away!

We feel that only by embracing technology can we gain from it, and that a battle like the one that the RIAA is fighting can simply not be won.

We do not believe that online downloads are all that is hurting the music industry. It is a combination of problems, CD burning being the most injurious. Of course, major labels will never take action against the manufacturers of burnable CDs, since in some cases they would then have to sue themselves (why would Sony sue Sony?) Instead they are going after the music fans, whom they hope to intimidate and extort.

We also feel that the lack of original and meaningful music is part of the major labels' problem. Simply put, if there is better music, people will spend money to own it instead of downloading or burning it. The success of Itunes proves that people are willing to buy music online if it is delivered in an intelligent way that is respectful of the consumer.

The major labels control almost all the means of exposure available today. How can you sell records without exposure? Radio is controlled through payola (or its modern form, consultants), the print media is controlled through quid-pro-quo agreements of ads for coverage and vice versa, retail is controlled by co-op dollars (which also includes in-store play for videos), and they even buy their artists' way onto opening slots on tours. So, with a few exceptions, the new music that most people are exposed to is controlled by the five major labels. But they CAN'T control what people download. All they can try to do is control people's access to MP3s, or scare them out of downloading music altogether!

These songs are all RIAA safe! If you like what you hear, please make a donation (see the PayPal button), check out the bands' shows, and spread the word. If you don't, what have you lost?

To read a more in depth article about why we feel the RIAA is wrong please click here and please send this email and/or the open letter to the RIAA to as many people as you can.  Only by educating each other can we hope to take advantage of the technical innovations and not run scared from them. 

To read an interview discussing this with Greg from Go-kart go here

Also, make sure to check out our upcoming release, the first commercially sold MP3 Sampler called GO-KART MP300 RACEWAY featuring 150 bands and 300 songs. Visit for a demonstration.

Team @ Go-Kart Records

AfterDawn Addict
15. October 2003 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It sounds good, with no dout that it helps expand the demographics of those potential listeners. I downloaded a few and they are decent enough pub music bands. However, if they were ever to become more famous and sign for a big record label, im sure they would not give their music away for free. Keep up the good work and fight for the cause!!


16. October 2003 @ 05:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yay cause! Lots of potential here! :D

ASUS A8V Deluxe, A64-3500 @ 2.65
1GB KingMax PC3700
640GB [4x160GB, 7200, 8MB]
XFX 6800GT 256MB
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27. October 2003 @ 06:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I say "KUDOS TO GO KART!!!!!" In real estate it's "Location, Location, Location", in music its "Exposure, Exposure, Exposure". There are a lot of incredible bands out there such as The Daycare Swindlers, that don't have a million$$$$$ to buy their way into the big venues, and the mainstream radio stations, but if they can get their music out to the masses, some how, then they will be HUGE!!! If that means allowing people to download it for free, then let them do so. This will only mean more $$$$$ later. A band that can't get a LARGE venue, such as a stadium, or a "Lallapalooza" type senario, is only losing so much by giving away some cds. How much are they spending, (proportionately), by driving an old van coast to coast trying to get their name out, and spending what they do make trying to keep it running just to get to the next gig. If you want me to feel sorry for the BIG name bands like Alice and Chains, or Metallica, (whom I love very much), because they are losing a "cut" of what they would be making, I WON'T!!! I buy their cds, as well as all of my cds, but I think they will survive just fine, with their multi-million dollar homes, and their limo's, and their personal trainers. Giving away a few cds won't change their lifestyles one bit. I think some of these bands need to step out of the spotlights for a second, and remember where they came from. A time when they would have done anything just to get their music played on ANY radio station, reguardless of how small. I think we've all heard the story of Metallica driving to the East coast in an old Jeep Wagoneer, with Dave Mustaine, with no money in their pockets. How many tapes did they give away, along the way, and after they arrived??? How many would they have given away if they could have??? This is a new era. The internet, and technology, have simply made it a little easier, and less costly, to get the music out to people that otherwise might not have access. Now that these guys have gotten their shot they want to close the door for everyone else. They claim that they want to help the little guys. God forbid it should cost them a little profit. I think maybe there is a bit of "Sour Grapes", and GREED, running through the music industry. IS THAT WHAT MUSIC IS ALL ABOUT????? Answer that for me. THANK YOU, to Go Kart Records for standing up and saying, "STOP BEING GREEDY LITTLE CHILDREN, AND SHARE!!!!!". I'm sick and Tired of the mentality that "Money Talks". It's the music that's supposed to carry the message isn't it???? BURN BABY BURN!!!


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. October 2003 @ 05:05 > forums > general discussion > safety valve > go-kart records fights riaa via free downloads

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