My ps2 has been semi-functional for over 2 weeks now. It will read cd/ps1/indigo ps2 disks but not the silver ps2 disks. The warranty seal has never been broken.
Ps2 version 12 scph70012 about 2 1/2 years old (I know the lasers die easily in that model)
Basically I want to know if these are the exact symptoms of a dying laser. I?ve seen threads where people replace the laser and the problem isn't solved or becomes worse. Am I better of paying Sony to repair it, or can I buy a newer version laser and fix it myself for less money.
Any links to guides or advice on what route to take would be appreciated thanks.
This is my second thread since June on this topic. after looking day after day for responses to various DRE V12-V15 posts it seems the only topics that are responded to are mod chips or modding in general (I know that is clearly stated in the forum description) the internal parts of a ps2 are hardware, but I guess the ps2 is to old for questions on repair to be worthy of a response.
I know I sound like an asshole but for all those looking for repair advice on non-modded ps2s good luck. Most of the threads/posts are from 2005 with dead links. Try and find a local repair shop and shell out 40-50 bucks.
You can go on e bay and look for PVR802 laser, this will work for v12. I replace them all thim on ps 2's. Or you can get one from
Sounds to me like a bad laser. Because you have a v12, make sure you get a laserfix for your PS2 when you replace the laser. The laserfix stops the laser from being overdriven, and thusly burning out.
Thanks for the response I was pretty damn hung-over stuck playing ps1 games i?ve already beaten 2-3 times, so sorry if sounded pissed.
I only have two more direct questions
1. Is there any soldering involved when replacing the laser assembly, or is just set and plug like a video card or ram? (I only ask because I rarely open consoles)
2. What exactly is a laser fix? I?ve heard of it before but if it involves tweaking the voltage of certain parts I think i'm in over my head.
Originally posted by redux79: Thanks for the response I was pretty damn hung-over stuck playing ps1 games i?ve already beaten 2-3 times, so sorry if sounded pissed.
I only have two more direct questions
1. Is there any soldering involved when replacing the laser assembly, or is just set and plug like a video card or ram? (I only ask because I rarely open consoles)
2. What exactly is a laser fix? I?ve heard of it before but if it involves tweaking the voltage of certain parts I think i'm in over my head.
No soldering is necessary to install a new laser - but soldering is necessary for installing the laserfix. There are a couple wires to solder in, and some pads that need soldering to resistors. It's not a difficult solder job, but not one I'd recommend to someone with no experience.
Thanks for the quick response
Yah I?ve never soldered anything before let alone delicate electronics
(I found a diagram for the laser fix and it's defiantly beyond me)
I could probably replace the laser, but not install the laser fix
I?m assuming Sony would overcharge for a laser and not do a laser fix. Any reputable repair sites that would do both for a reasonable price? I?m just worried that plus S/H that I?d be looking at $70-80.
I?m considering selling my ps2 to a repair shop and buying a new v15 or v16 seeing as how it would only cost slightly more than repairing my v12.
A laser is about $30, the fix is typically under $10. You might be right about selling your PS2 and buying a new one. Ebay is a great place to offload stuff like that.
One reason you may want to keep the system is that you can attached a hard drive to v12 systems and play games off the hard drive. I've modded up a couple of these and they work great.
Once again thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it I?ll keep the hard drive aspect in mind. Id be totally lost if it weren't for people like you. It might be a while before I make a final decision, but I think this thread is a great example of advice and possibility's for people with dying v12's out there.
Originally posted by redux79: Once again thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it I?ll keep the hard drive aspect in mind. Id be totally lost if it weren't for people like you. It might be a while before I make a final decision, but I think this thread is a great example of advice and possibility's for people with dying v12's out there.
Just so you have an idea of what a modded v12 + hard drive looks like, here's a picture.