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obvious misrepresentation
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19. October 2003 @ 19:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Downloaded platinum last night and have called 321 3 times and still can't get the software to burn discs. I am using TDK - media rated 4X. I am using the TDK RW 440N drive. When you go into both the dvd x copy platinum simple and advanced, it will do the step one reading step. Step two does not happen and it goes straight to the done screen. Then it will say that it was burned successfully. Nothing is burned and none of the lights on the tdk drive come on. Uninstalled Roxio and installed without the drag to disc. Ran the Force ASPI program and I have updated the TDK firmware. Norton antivirus software is disabled. Still will not go to step two and burn the disc. Have also tried other dvd -r media. I have talked to your "support" three times - twice to level 1 and once at level 2.

By the way, I burn large image files to DVD all the time with Roxio. So, there is not any problem with the hardware. I know the new version is coming out tomorrow, and I will give it a try. If that doesn't work, I do think that this product by far misrepresents itself. My pc is a 2.4mhz P4 with 1GB of Ram running XP pro. There is nothing wierd our outdated by my system. Also, the TDK 440n is a pretty standard burner.

Based on my own experiences and other feedback on this message board, I'd think there could be enough claims to file a class action lawsuit against 312? Of course, everyone ought to be entitled to a refund. As well, I'd think there should be a penalty for the actual misrepresentation. I'd also like them to replace the 6 dvds there software has ruined.
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20. October 2003 @ 07:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
go to the xcopy forum:
AfterDawn Addict
20. October 2003 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ask yourself, if it works for loads of people, why doesnt it work for me? Asnwer: Because there is something wrong with your system set-up (ie something is conflicting or causing this problem). Go to the forums as yuedana suggested and voice your concerns without silly mention of law suits etc...

20. October 2003 @ 10:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ask yourself why I have gone through all the tech support suggestions and use a standard computer and have such problems? The web site promises "one click convenience". This is obviously not true. Also, if you read the forum page you will notice that I am not the only person with this problem. In fact, it was after reading the forum when I realized the great number of people who had this problem. That is what encouraged me to gain support for class action.

At the very least, 321 should not claim one click conveneince. It would be even better to remark that many people have experienced errors in writing and the software may not work on some configurations.

As I have stated, I am not using anything out of the ordinary, and I have followed the proper technical steps to remedy the problem.

There are many cases where vendors have had to modify product claims based on consumer feedback. This is in no way a silly claim.
21. October 2003 @ 04:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I have used this program successfully and it is really very simple, and really one click copy.

If there is a problem with you you must search what is wrong. Does the DVD writers works OK with the other buring progs? Do you have ASPI 4.60?

Remember that you are using a PC and I haven't seen a program yet that works in ALL PCs!! It's crazy but it's the truth, as there are unlimited different systems on both hardware used and software installed. If it does not work in your PC ask the other users with the same problem for a common program or hardware that you all have and may create the problem.

After all, you can wait for the next version which may solve the problem and use DVD Shrink until then (or DVD2One).

Good luck!
6. November 2003 @ 07:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is the scoop, if you have any version of Xcopy that absolutely will not burn and your computer meets minimum requirements. To get it to work you MUST reformat your hardrive and install just windows and the minimum drivers then install Xcopy and copy your movie.

after installing anything else if you want to copy another movie then you must reformat again.

worked for me.

Now I got smart and use DVD Shrink with Nero 6

works perfectly. > forums > digital video > convert dvd to another format > obvious misrepresentation

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