I installed a crystal chip and can't get the flash screen to boot on the ps 2 v 15. It just a black screen.
I put in a orig. game and it worked fine, after trying to boot the flash screen a few times, now it wont even play the orig game.
I tried loading a upgrade cue in and nothing. The file seems kind of small 2K, am I unzipping ir correctly off my the computer, you would think the file would be biger?
The instalation looks flawless, very neat and checked everthing with a meter.
Obviously a BIN file wouldn't be included in a firmware update if it wasn't necessary. Mod chips don't have some arrangement with RealPlayer. Plus, BIN = binary, not Real Player.
So, if your installation is flawless, that means you're not burning the update disc properly. You can check this by looking at what files are on the burned disc. If it's just the CUE file, you need to learn how to properly burn discs.