Does anyone know any program that will convert the dvd files from pal to nstc. Program that works cause Ive tried Vob Blanker and its not working at all, also NeroVision deletes the menu and I need the menu cause its a series that has episodes thats why I need the menu for switching episodes. Anyone know please help. I have all the dvds ripped with dvd shrink. Now I need to convert them to Nstc.
Yeah you will have to make up the menu manualy and when you use nero to make the dvd it should automaticaly do the pal to ntsc conversion.
Good luck with it.
I spent the better part of yesterday converting PAL dvds to NTSC. Tried both Nero 7 Ultra Enhanced and VOBlanker. Gotta say as a newbie, VOB is the winner for me. Took alot less time and was simpler. Only problem that I had was sometimes when you right clicked on the vob file, the window that pops up with video attibutes on it only stayed up for 2 secs, not enough time to right click. Results were the same for both movies - nice.
Originally posted by mphsbelle: I spent the better part of yesterday converting PAL dvds to NTSC. Tried both Nero 7 Ultra Enhanced and VOBlanker. Gotta say as a newbie, VOB is the winner for me. Took alot less time and was simpler. Only problem that I had was sometimes when you right clicked on the vob file, the window that pops up with video attibutes on it only stayed up for 2 secs, not enough time to right click. Results were the same for both movies - nice.
That it suits your needs is good, but the OP is interested in the original menus, did those still work? And note that Nero actually converts to true NTSC, VOB Blanker does not. The end result does not work on all players.
Sorry, everything remained intact as far as I know. DVD's played on my player upstairs and to me that's what counts. I'm a newbie and only have some pretty basic needs and don't really know the intricate workings of these programs.