I have made a backup DVD from a series of VHS.
I import the clips of video (captured from VHS with my capture card into
.mpg files) into Premiere (Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5), then rendered work area, so I can edit
accurately and then export the final version with Adobe Media Encore to a .m2v with the settings NTSC DV 4x3 High Quality 7MB CBR 1 Pass.
After that, I did my DVD on encore (without transcoding the .m2v files, as it is no necesary).
The result was UGLY! All the videos flicker really much when seeing on
the TV, only when the people moves in the scene, if the scene is quiet
it is ok. But in the PC it does not. It just appear little lines in horizontal way when subject moves.
Can anyone tell me what's that? How can I fix it?
Thank you very much.
pS: I have just been talked about MPEG Mainconcept PRO plugin, that will let me capture from Premiere and edit directly in Premiere. I just started to see it, (it is late at night, did not make any capture) but I still see from an original .mpg file from a VHS capture, that little lines when the subjects move that will turn on flickering when showed in the TV... I'm loosing my mind, is it frame rate, bibrate, interlaced?! I just wanted to edit the captures and it seems I will have to be an investigator on the matter! :-)