Well I have a old Mintek dvd player and whatever kind of dvd I burn it plays, but say I put it in a newer one it wont work at all. I don't much about the formats really, but correct me if Im work, but normally when dvd's come out aren't they burned as MPEG-2 quality? Could someone direct me or tell me problem. The movie worked great in mine and the Xbox 360. Im sorta noobish on this topic, but if you could help redirect me once again it would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a TIP...Don't tell us how or where you got those files, we just need to know that you have them. :)
To answer the Mpeg thing, Yes DVD's are in Mpeg2 format. Alot of files are in AVI format and so need to be converted to be read in most Stand Alone players. For better definitions, refer to the GLOSSARY tab at the top of the page. Mentioning movie titles that have not yet hit the shelves, might get you into trouble. It's called Piracy. It's entirely possible you could get suspended or banned by the Mods. Treat any "NEW" title like an "OLD" one....get the gist?
LOL. Oops! Good point. I thought I was on the right track and everything. I know I read some info on it awhile ago and I forgot all about it. So I guess double checking...thanks again