Im on cable and i've read most of the tutorials on these forums but for some reason overnet wont download faster than 10kb/s. Kazaa and other programs seem to be fine, anyone know what the problem could be?
1. Check in the bottom left corner.... is says Connected and next to that it says one of the three: Open, Unclear or Firewalled. You want it to say Open
2. Most of the time, the problems will be that your UDP port is not setup correectly. Since you are on a cable line, are you behind a router? If so you need to do some port forwarding.
3. Not every file will give you insane speeds. A lot depends on the availability of the file and how much you have uploaded over time (i.e., once you upload ~45GB you will be in approximately the 30-50KB/s class, after you breach 100GB you can expect 100+ KB/s all the time everytime (provided there are actually sources available).
icic, probably that UDP stuff. Since im a noob when it comes to routers, you know a site or anything on how to fix up my UDP setting on my linksys router?
1. Goto (i think that's what it is for Linksys routers)
2. Password 'admin'
3. When you login into your router, in the top right corner Click "Advanced"
4. Goto "Port Forwarding"
5. Forward TCP 4662 to your computer and whatever the UDP port is.
6. Save changes. Restart overnet.
so the more people have uploaded off of me the faster i can download right? well how do you find out how much you've uploaded? i know to go to the statistics tab in Onet but i don't know which tab within it tells me how much people have uploaded off of me??? you know which one tells me how much people have uploaded off me???
Quote: "1. Goto (i think that's what it is for Linksys routers)
2. Password 'admin'
3. When you login into your router, in the top right corner Click "Advanced"
4. Goto "Port Forwarding"
5. Forward TCP 4662 to your computer and whatever the UDP port is.
6. Save changes. Restart overnet."
Do you know the site for the "NETGEAR" routers so i can config mine? doesn't work becuz i don't have a Linksys router.
i got into the site with and the username is "admin" and the password is "password"
when i get in though, it's totally different then you explained. it goes to a setup wizard help thingy. I don't want to screw around with anything becuz i don't know what to do. Do you know what to do?