Report Offensive Post Button
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23. September 2007 @ 05:00 |
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Hey all. I'm new here and still learning how things work but I have a slight problem..
On noticing my transition between 'Newbie' and 'Junior Member', I observed that I can now "use" the 'Report Offensive Post' button.. (what purpose it serves I'm not so sure, but I can pick that up later)
Anyway, on clicking it, I merely get directed back to the forum index.. Is that what is supposed to happen or is it a glitch?
Please enlighten me and/or fix it, if indeed it needs fixing ;-)
Phlax - Still kickin'
23. September 2007 @ 08:37 |
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Its purpose is to report posts breaking the rules
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23. September 2007 @ 11:32 |
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Ah I see, nice one - shame it's not working for Junior Members then.. or maybe it's just me?
Phlax - Still kickin'
23. September 2007 @ 12:35 |
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i dont know
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 12:43 |
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krkm120, your sig is ~2 kb over the limit. the limit is 50 kb, not 50kb +/- whatever. mods do get annoyed at this.
phlax, when you hit the offensive post button, you should get taken to a page where you type in the reason the post is offensive and then click a button to be redirected to the thread. you don't get this at all? have you cleared your cookies?
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23. September 2007 @ 12:52 |
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Oh I see Auslander..
Well, my browser (FireFox, latest - clears all cookies etc on closure, and I've been on and off the PC all day, to no avail RE this problem though.
A glitch in the forum code, maybe?
Phlax - Still kickin'
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 12:56 |
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try it with ie.....
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 12:56 |
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it's been years since i was a junior member; when i was a newb, they could still use the offensive post button. maybe things have changed. *shrugs*
have you tried a different brower/different pc?
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23. September 2007 @ 13:03 |
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IE 6 is the same thing..
Phlax - Still kickin'
Senior Member
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23. September 2007 @ 13:07 |
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Make sure your logged in. :P
Anyway, I've never had a problem with it. I am using Firefox in Windows XP Pro.
The "Offensive post" simply shows the Mods which post to go check out and fix any problem that needs fixed, such as too big of a signature or a member "flaming" another member.
I am not sure but I assume its similar to the "Link to this post" button, except it also has some sort of "Description" (what you type in the reason you reported the post) so the Mods know exactly what post needs to be addressed.
For example, the link to the first post on this thread is:
Maybe you have spyware on your computer. :P
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. September 2007 @ 13:09
Suspended due to non-functional email address
23. September 2007 @ 13:13 |
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I'm very sure I'm logged in. I'm also sure my PC is 99% clean, I like to keep a tight ship running ;-)
I don't know what it is..
Maybe an Admin might be able to show up and confirm it?
BTW, the linking to posts works just fine.
Phlax - Still kickin'
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 13:14 |
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did you try another browser?
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23. September 2007 @ 13:16 |
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Originally posted by Phlax: IE 6 is the same thing..
Check your PMs btw Auslander; I've something I'd like you to read.
Phlax - Still kickin'
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 13:18 |
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er, god dammit...reading comprehension ftw! >.>
considering your information, i'd say it's just a junior member thing, mate. knowing you, however, i'd say you'll be a member before long.
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23. September 2007 @ 13:27 |
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No worries, there's always other subjects like Physics and Maths one could be good at, who needs English?!
And thank you for the kind words, although I don't know how you can be so sure of me :-)
I'm sure the problem will be remedied at some point..
Phlax - Still kickin'
AfterDawn Addict
23. September 2007 @ 13:30 |
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oh, i've been watching your posts, phlax. you post as someone with much maturity and forum experience would. i'm not *that* out of touch. :-)
and i'll tell you what, the english need english. such horrible slang. :-P
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23. September 2007 @ 23:30 |
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If one were a very proud Englishman, one might take offense to you calling one's language "slang".. But I'm not, so it's alright :-P
Phlax - Still kickin'
AfterDawn Addict
24. September 2007 @ 05:46 |
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meh, there's nothing to be proud about when you're english, phlax. :-P
not a member yet? how else can we test this problem? :-)
24. September 2007 @ 08:14 |
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ill resize
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24. September 2007 @ 10:24 |
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Originally posted by Auslander: meh, there's nothing to be proud about when you're english, phlax. :-P
not a member yet? how else can we test this problem? :-)
There's just nothing there when you're American ;-P
And no, not yet. Dunno, I'll just PM some unlucky Junior about it :-P
Phlax - Still kickin'
AfterDawn Addict
24. September 2007 @ 11:39 |
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Perhaps you failed to scroll down the page after you pushed the offensive post report button and after you were redirected to the post in question.
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AfterDawn Addict
24. September 2007 @ 11:45 |
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Originally posted by krkm120: ill resize
thanks, amigo. :-)
phlax, maybe this is just god's way of telling you to stop sucking so hard. :-P
bilbo, i can be 99.99999931π % sure that's not the problem.
24. September 2007 @ 11:48 |
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People, why does virtually every thread have to turn into a chatroom.. you don't see me filling up pages of threads with unnecessary banter..
(i'd gone for a nap then my email notification kept beeping at me..) 'bout we let the Admins comment on the original post and leave it at that..
edited for spelling..
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
24. September 2007 @ 12:19 |
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Originally posted by bilbo65: Perhaps you failed to scroll down the page after you pushed the offensive post report button and after you were redirected to the post in question.
Auslander is correct, that's not the problem.
And yes creaky, that sounds like a good idea.
Phlax - Still kickin'
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26. September 2007 @ 04:52 |
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Well, as predicted, I'm now a Member and surprisingly enough (not) the Report button is working.. look out mods ;-P
Phlax - Still kickin'