I was backing up knocked up,with rip it for me ,shrink and burning with dvd decripter. when decripter loaded my virus program opened and told me that my decripter progran had a trojan that was trying to gain access to the internet and was blocked are they putting trojans
on the disc now. i deleted the program and reloaded dvd decripter
has anyone run into this before. I have been using this program for years off line and have up date diabled so it wont dial for updates
how could it get a virus.
Have you ever used these programs before?
How long you had them, and from what website did you download them from?
Some programs bill themselves as real but are fakes with viruses.
I have to assume the programs are good because I've seen and used Scuba's website before. A valuable website for explaining how to do things, and with pictures :)
Right now I'm thinking you have an always on High-speed internet connection and something tried to get through while you were doing your movie.
Run whatever spyware/ antivirus programs you use and get back to us.
Hello, It's better to dissable antivirus, shutdown internet connection,
And any tsr's that are running,It'll give your pc more system resources
And memory to back up dvd's with no virus errors aswell, just remember to reboot when done, hope helps.
Turning off stuff like that is only necessary if your PC is from olden times; i have some fairly old machines myself, but none of my DVD ripping/burning PC's have below 512MB. I permanently leave all antivirus/etc TSR's running, leave the internet on etc etc, the key though (on a modest system) is just to not mess with the PC while burning (it's ok to multitask during ripping though)