I?m building a new home theater setup that includes an lg 50pc5d (720p 50 inch plasma), a Yamaha ysp-1100 (single speaker/sub), and an Oppo up-convert player. The question is which Oppo model to get.
I recently contacted Oppo to ask which model they would recommend that would best suite my TV. Surprisingly the dv-980h was recommended over the dv-981hd.
The one requirement I was told was most important for an up-convert player is faroudja video processing technology. The dv-980h doesn't have this, but the dv-981hd does. I?ve read some recent threads on the dv-980h and it seems to have several minor problems. Anyone who owns a 980h or 981hd that has insight into their drawbacks/quality/capability's would be very helpful
I don't own one, but I can tell you this..........
I'm guessing they suggested the 980 over the 981, because of your tv. There are compatibility problems, between the faroudja chip and some brands and models of tvs. It will cause bad macroblocking (pixelating)
problems, with those tvs, which can be extremely irritating. Since the 980 doesn't have this chip, it is probably your best bet, as they suggested.
They are trying to make you happy, instead of selling you something that you'll return, and fuss about them selling you in the first place. They're just practicing good customer service.
Enjoy! :o)
Unfortunately i'm not the one who has the final say in what components are being used in this setup, it?s for my parents. I?m trying to steer them in the right direction as best I can, (i've been trying to explain what blu-ray and hd-dvd are for the past month...). It?s a battle between me, my parents, and an a/v installer. Everything is pretty much set in stone except for the up-convert player.
I?ve read some reviews on the lg 50pc5d and apparently it can't handle hdmi connections very well (this seems to be the reason that the installer wants to use component cables instead of hdmi).
So I guess that the dv-980h would be the best option seeing as how the dv-981hd doesn't have component connections. The only problem now is that I have to backup all of my parents dvd's because the hdcp handshake only applies to hdmi. The css protection prevents the originals from being upconverted through component, (what a great way to prevent so called piracy).
I don't think the faroudja chip is the problem, Oppo claims problems may occur with dlp tv's, not plasmas. the real problem is most likely that The damn tv can't even display its supposed resolutions. I had a feeling this would happen when I was told the 50 inch plasma was a little over $1700 after rebate. Well, you get what you pay for.
Thanks for the response, only one thing left to do... cross my fingers.