I made a webcam and burnded it on a DVD-RW but when I watch it on TV it has places where the webcam stalls, and skips, is there a way to solve this problem.
What was the original fomat of the webcam vid (e.g. avi, wmv, mpeg)? Also, what software did you use to encode video to dvd-rw? Lastly, what brand of DVD-RW did you use? All these are factors that can contribute to your problem. Try to use quality media like Verbatim and TYs. Also, try ConvertXtoDVD to burn to DVD. If your source video doesn't stall, then it likely won't stall during encoding. Lastly, check to make sure you don't have a bunch of programs running in your background. That could possibly be causing the stalls during encoding. Hope this helps.
The original source file from Logitek Messenger Webcam was avi. and i used Nero 7 Ultra to do the burning and encoding onto a Memorex DVD+RW, and tried to play it back on TV using DayTek DVD Player.
At the time of encoding no other programs were running, with the exception of the usual anti-virus program, in this case AVG.
I still have the original file on hard drive and will try it again, making sure that nothing else is running in the background if that's at all possible.